Rowing/Stationary Rowing Machine Exercise Shortcut

Considering most of the important cardio equipment is represented in the Exercise list, I think it's more than justifiable to add a stationary rowing machine to the list. Almost every gym in America contains at least one or more Concept 2 rower as it is a total body and low impact method of Cardio. It's one of my favorites and I'm sure I am not the only user that is a bit disappointed that is not represented.

Moderator edit: Edited title for clarity and added labels.

First Steps

I'd also like this. Can't believe it isn't available. Probably going to return Versa 2 I just picked up for something else. 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @billkeene01, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about here. Keep adding your suggestions!

First Steps
Fitbit Moderator,

Please stop with these nonsensical responses.

I received this response years ago.

Fitbit has failed to adapt. You willl be that other format, the other phone which will soon be forgotten.

Sent from my iPhone
Well that’s a darn shame.. I’ll have to find a watch that has that function. I own a Concept 2 (D)..

Sent from my iPhone
Well that’s a darn shame.. I’ll have to find a watch that has that function. I own a Concept 2 (D) which I use 5 days per week.

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Recovery Runner
if you upload your PM-5 workout info on to the Concept 2 Logbook, that info will transfer over to y our FitBit log as a workout, if you have set up the sharing.  You can't measure your workout on your fitbit, but you can share the data to your fitbit log. 
Recovery Runner
yup i know. i use the ERG app.that sends it to my online log book and
I saw that... it’s not an answer unfortunately.. Thanks very much for the idea!!

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First Steps

Many gyms have the stationary rowing machine as an equipment option.  I would really like to see this as an option on my fitbit.  Fitbit, please consider adding this as an option.



Miss Mon 14

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @missmon14. Thanks for sharing your idea about adding Stationary Rowing Machine to the exercise shortcuts with us! I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can check this other suggestion here. Keep adding your suggestions!

You're lack of consideration for this feature left me seeking new
alternatives. I've since moved to the Samsung Galaxy watch that supports
this feature.

This has been a suggestion for 5 years!

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
Concept 2. "ErgData" App solves this problem and sends activity data to
your online Fitbit account.
While I thank those that have posted this suggestion, this is a 'workaround'
versus a solution to the problem.

The problem is that Fitbit has completely failed to address this
suggestion/request for years!!!

Fitbit FAIL!

Very glad to see that more and more posts are showing that former Fitbit
customers are choosing to show their reaction to Fitbit's inaction by buying
competitor products.
Not applicable

A lot of you mention having rowers that will sync with the Fitbit app. Not everyone has that. Mine is a basic fan rowing machine. It does not sync to anything. But I use it daily. I love my versa, but am looking for a similar tracker for when this one dies. Find me on twitter @ JamieBlase. #fitbitRowing maybe we can get their attention on twitter.

That’s correct..just tried it. Don’t need the app when I own the Concept 2.

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First Steps
I'm using that at the moment but it's a bit of a pain in the arse.

I hope Fitbit adds the rowing to the exercise option, I believe there is enough people already that have express there opinion and the desire for the option to get added. I can’t understand why does it take so long for Fitbit to add the option. 
I almost switch to another brand of smart watch, but after doing a lot of research Fitbit is on the top of the line for fitness smart watches. Comparing the prices that these other companies are asking for smart watches I definitely not switching from Fitbit. 

Hope Fitbit or Google who ever it is creates this option quick so they can make the customers happy. 

First Steps
Garmin Vivo Active 3 does it well. My son who rows competitively in highschool loves it.

Fitbit is like Motorola. Can’t keep up and never caught up.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
I emailed Fitbit directly and basically told them to take this request
seriously and having to vote for an option is ridiculous. I did get a
response from them perhaps we should be emailing customer service directly.
First Steps

I’m seeing over 2000 requests for Rowing to be added to the list of exercises and it still isn’t? Some of the requests are from Jan of 2015. Crazy. Please add rowing to the list of exercises. It doesn’t seem like a complicated or out of this world request. 

First Steps

Status changed to: Under Consideration 


Hi everyone thanks for sharing this suggestion. This is being discussed although I do not have a firm commitment or timeline at the moment. Do continue to vote for this feature suggestion whilst it’s under consideration. Please note that if something is under consideration and chosen for development, it can be a while until it's released or until I have any news to share. Please watch this space for any updates! Thanks for your patience.


Not applicable

Yeah I am over it. I am buying a Samasung Galaxy watch with Birthday and Tax money. I saw a friends, it has rowing as an option. And tons of other stuff. Peace out Fitbit. You have lost this user. I have been here since the Fitbit one. 

Both my girlfriend and I are out as well. There is no patience left..

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