Screen display rotation of 180 degrees on the Charge 3/4

I would like to be able to rotate the screen display of 180 degrees on my Charge 3/4 so that it can be worn upside-down on my left wrist so that the button is on the right-hand side of the watch, for easier access.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

@Marc594 It's great to see you around.


Great suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think about adding the choice to rotate the screen display of 180 degrees. Once any update is available, it will be communicated as soon as possible.

First Steps

This has been asked before for charge 2 (and probably for charge 1) but closed due to unactivity. I can already foresee the same happening to this feature request. In aggregation between hardware versions there should be enough support for this feature to take it to the top of the list. 


Recovery Runner

Mark me down for this! I'm right-handed, so wear my Charge 3 on my left hand. The button is on the left side, which makes pushing it awkward. The ability to essentially wear it "upside-down" would make it a lot easier.

Also, since I wear the "large" band, the buckle faces away from me, making it awkward to put it on/take it off. This would solve that problem as well.


I agree! I was disappointed to discover that I cannot rotate it. I would’ve expected it from new device since I’ve had other devices be able to do so. Can we make this happen?

First Steps

 180 screen rotation please! 

I'm left handed and thus wear the Charge 3 on my right wrist. 180 rotation would allow me to use the button in the manner designed (thumb touching the button)

First Steps

Charge 3 button on left is hard to operate with my right thumb.  Would be much easier to use with my right index finger.  This requires flipping the screen and swapping the wristbands. Should be easy sw change. This was brought up in a past feature request but it was dropped.  This is important and will help improve new customer preference, especially for older potential customers who are adopting this tech.  Reaching around with your thumb is unnatural compared to pressing your finger tip to the closer side of the watch.

Yes please! 


The ability to rotate the screen display 180 degrees should be a simple software update. I am right handed and wear my Charge 3 on the left wrist which means the button is facing left towards the elbow which is  awkward to press. Or maybe provide a button on both sides which would solve all wearing orientation. 

First Steps
I'm glad somebody else thinks this is important!


First Steps
Please introduce the screen-rotation feature also for the Charge 2 model!
First Steps

Totally agree. Just about every other wristwatch, analog or smart, is designed for right-handed operation. It's baffling that the Charge is not. It's not a small point. I just received mine yesterday and it's already getting annoying enough to be a deal-killer. I scoured thru help & forums assuming solving this obvious design quirk was just a Settings click away. Nope. Please do address this.


Just got my Fitbit today and this was the first thing I tried to find in the settings menu. From a biomechanical standpoint, the torque on the right wrist caused by having to use your thumb to press the button is not ideal for people with wrist issues. I work in rehabilitation healthcare and there are a significant number of people with wrist issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis, especially in the right wrist. The inability to change this setting will only exacerbate their symptoms. This really needs to be addressed.


I am trying to wear the Charge 3 on my right arm because I have an Apple watch on the left. 


Pretty sure during some exercises the button is getting pushed when I have to bend my wrist a lot.  

First Steps

I definitely agree with this! 100% we should be able to rotate our Charge 3 screens by 180 degrees. I literally just got mine and it’s the first thing I wanted to do. The button isn’t very easy to push in its current orientation and would be 1000% easier to use if it were on the right hand side! Don’t consider it - just do it!!! Whoever wants to rotate it will rotate and those who don’t wont but I’m fairly confident in saying I think a lot of people will. 


I would like to be able to rotate the screen display by 180 degrees so that when it is worn on my left wrist the button points at my fingers not my elbow. Most people press the button with their finger not their thumb so this improvement will help many users.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Shogg666! Great suggestion, thanks for sharing your idea. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.

First Steps

The screen only goes the one way. I’d like to wear it on my right hand with the button towards my arm. Also the light coming on at night. Can you have a “night mode” so it doesn’t keep waking me up 😄

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing @Abelmoon! We look forward to hearing what other community members think about having the rotating screen option on the Charge 3. 😀

First Steps

I would like to see this feature on the inspire HR also. I can't help it being left-handed and so wearing my watch on my right arm =).

Recovery Runner

Got screwed over with this on Charge 2. Fitbit doesn't care at all about what their users think.

This is why my next tracker absolutely will be of a different brand. 

Fitbit screws us over constantly. Please stop feeding them money.

First Steps

Agreed. This is yet another feature that is so extremely beautiful that it's hard to fathom that it's not available.

But then again, there Fitbit

First Steps

Most of the world is right handed, so naturally Fitbit won't add a seemingly simple feature to make their product more convenient. Until this feature is added I can't imagine I would want to upgrade to the next generation Fitbit. 

First Steps
i'm right handed, and I find the "button" being on the left side to be a
such a pain in the **ahem**


in imis petimus

I agree. This should be a simple software feature to introduce. I would like it on my Charge 2. Since the physical design let's you swap the straps, it would make sense to be able to flip the display.


First Steps

I like to wear mechanical watches on my left wrist, and dress bracelets on my right. Just tried to find if it was possible to rotate/flip the display so the bracelets won't push the button (pointing towards the hand when worn on the right wrist) on my Fitbit Inspire. This thread is about the Charge 3, but it would essentially be the same change for the Inspire.

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