Search Dates by Name of When Certain Food Items were Entered

A very cool feature would be the ability to see when you consumed certain foods. 

Example: You search McDonald's Big Mac and it shows the dates that you entered that meal into the food library. Everyone would love this feature. It would help to track how often you eat certain food or bad foods. 

Thank you


Moderator Edit: Format/Title for Clarity

Community Legend

Hi @THigginsWx


I like this idea. Tracking food is something I need to get back to doing. It would be good to know how often I had a burger as opposed to how often I had mostly salads.



Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. This would be very awesome to check how often we eat certain foods. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

Base Runner

Thanks SantiFitbit. 

You changed my other suggestion about combining foods as "Already exists". It does not already exist for the iOS apps, I don't care about the website having that feature, why is it not available in the iOS app?

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @THigginsWx! Thanks for your input! That's correct, it only exists on the online dashboard. I don't have an answer as to why it is not available for the iOS app. However, I'd recommend posting the idea and make sure to type that you are asking for it to be available for the Fitbit app. Let me know if you do! 

Base Runner

Thanks SantiFitbit, are you an employee of Fitbit? If so, can you figure out why it's not available on the iOS app? 

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