See Taunts & Cheers on Fitbit Device

Each time a friend taunts me, cheers me, or messages me using the fitbit app, i have no idea until i pick up my phone.  If it was similar to call notifications - a phone and the name scrolling below - such as the taunt/cheer faces with the name , it would be fun,  Or each time a friend passes me in a challenge - it would help my get off my butt.  My Charge HR has been great in tracking steps, HR etc... but it would be good if things were spiced up a bit and made a little more competitive and fun


Moderator Edit: Added Labels & Title

Not applicable
Hello. In the same way that text messages show on the device, it would be good if messages (cheers, taunts and messages) from the Fitbit app showed up on the Fitbit device also.
Not applicable

+1 Cat Happy

Recovery Runner

This is a great idea! I would almost rather have this feature than call/text notifications.


I was thinking that in order to taunt/cheer a friend you would have to be in a challenge with them. That would help eliminate nuisance notifications.


Also would be cool to have a quick graphic, kind of like when you hit 10k steps. Also maybe a customizable character limited quote that can scroll across the screen


I love cheering, taunting and messaging my friends in the app. It would be great if I could see those messages on my device or at least get an alert. Also, when participating in an adventure it would be great if my device notified me of a treasure or landmark. If/when I win a challenge I would like something extra on screen as a bigger boost to try my best next time. 


I agree receiving messages on my charge 2 of when I have been taunted or cheered would add extra fun and motivation for me to get moving. Seems like it shd be able to be done given you can receive SMS and call notifications. I accept not everyone would want to receive taunts and/or cheers but a simple on/off like the quick view option would solve that by those not wanting it could just turn it off

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, it sounds like you want cheers/taunts to show on your Fitbit device but yesterday we released an update so that cheers/taunts now show in push notifications, so they are more visible at least. I'll leave this open for now and clarity that you mean on device specifically.

Hi Liz do you think that they will eventually show cheers and taunts etc on your the charge 2? I really think that this would be a great addition. Regards, mike

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

Yes, please! I'd love to notice a friend was moving and active and send along a cheer or if their step count is low, taunt them a little right on their fitbit. 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator
Recovery Runner

I saw that there was a post about this back in 2015, and its closed for comments.
I just wanted to bump this idea and to have someone reassess the need for it since Fitbit is coming out with awesome watches like the Versa and Ionic. I know you can send cheers and taunts to your friends from the device with the leaderboard app, but it goes to their phone app, not their watch. Same with replies. I don't know I get a cheer or taunt unless I open my app. It would be awesome if you could get a little buzz/vibration notification when someone sends you one. (Sorta like when you use the message effects on an iPhone and you send your emoji with an echo effect - if our watch did that when someone sent us a cheer, that would light my whole day up.) Also, may I suggest that the word 'taunt' be changed to perhaps 'encourage' or something?

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @jcdobz, thanks for taking the time to share why you would like to see this option on your Versa. As you already noticed, this feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes.  You can also vote for this idea: Remove taunt button. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.


I hope to see you around.

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