Separate ON/OFF switch for Predictions (Fertility Window & Period)

It would be a great feature to be able to turn on or off the ovulation & fertility window predictions for those Fitbit users that do not want or need that information for their female health tracking. Right now we only have the option to turn off all predictions which then also turns off the menstruation predictions. 


Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

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Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Breezygirl8! Thanks a million for posting your suggestion. It's great to know that you're using this option from the Fitbit App, I think that this is a great idea. Let's wait and see what others users think about it. 

Recovery Runner

This would be great.  Now being infertile, but still getting regular periods that notifications would be good for... it would be nice not to have that knife in the back each month from FitBit “hey, you should have been able to get pregnant this month”.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Thanks for your feedback @JLMD, since this is a new feature; user perspective helps a lot! All comments are important for us.

Stepping Up

+1. Many, many women need/want to track period length and other symptoms and get predictions of next period date without being confronted with info about fertile windows. 

Recovery Runner

I totally agree. I would like to be able to turn off the fertility predictor but still see period predictor. 

First Steps

Also agree. Want to keep period predictions but not fertility stuff

Not applicable

I fully support this option being added. I'm 37 years old, my husband and I are child-free by choice and he had a vasectomy years ago. I neither want nor need to see my fertility window predictions. I imagine it would be particularly awful for women who want to, but are unable to, have children. For me, it's just frustrating, unnecessary, and comes across as a bit misogynistic because of the irritating assumption that all women care about when they're fertile (come on Fitbit, don't feed into that!).


I was really excited to see Fitbit adding period tracking as a feature because it's really handy not to have to use a separate app for that but I'm considering just continuing to use Clue instead because at least they accept that all women are not focused on reproduction and allow users to turn off fertile window indicators.


If Fitbit can accept that not everyone wants to track their weight, calorie burn, food intake, water intake, heart rate or any of the other things that users can easily toggle on and off within the app, surely it's not too much of a stretch to accept that not everyone wants to track their fertile window. I believe Fitbit can do better than this 🙂

First Steps

More of a suggestion to Fitbit than a question - it'd be really nice to be able to remove Fertile or Predicted Period Windows. Currently seems like I can only either don't see both or see both... It will really be very helpful if there's an option in the app for me to not see the fertile windows... Hope to hear from Fitbit Development App Team soon. thanks.


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity/Added Labels

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

First Steps

Yes please! It can be a handy feature for some, but not all, so making it optional would be wonderful for those of us who do not want or need to know that bit of the cycle. 

Base Runner

Yes, this is tremendously important! Wanting to track your period and wanting to track your fertility are two totally different things, and the default assumption should NOT be that you want to do both. Ideally, NOT tracking fertility should be the default.

I can't believe this "feature" was released in its current state. The kind of assumptions it's making are very harmful, and not at all supportive of health!

First Steps

Yes PLEASE.  I love the cycle tracker for periods, but I don't also need fertility tracker!  Should not be a package feature.



First Steps

I completely agree with everything that’s been said here. Love the period predictor. But the fertility window is just a huge slap in my face that I’m recently single and not a Mum so it pains me to see it. 

First Steps

I absolutely agree with above. I love the new period tracker, now I don't need to use a separate app. I am done having children so I don't care to see ovulation. I  would rather just see the countdown to my period.

First Steps

Agree with this. Option to not see fertility data would be optimal, as there are many women who either have no use for the fx (me) or have very important and personal reasons to not want that type of tracking. 

First Steps

PLEASE change this feature. I really only want to estimate when my next period is coming. I think it's great to estimate a fertility window if you're interested in that data, but we should have the option to turn it off if we're not trying to conceive. It's automatic inclusion represents inherent biases about what women "want" in such a tracker. Please give us agency to choose that ourselves.


Yes! I just updated my app and while I love being able to track my periods,  I do not need a constant reminder of when my "fertile" window is.  I am someone who is unable to get pregnant and this is just another slap in my face now. While there are many women who would find this feature useful, there are a whole other group of women who, for various reasons, would like the ability to turn off the ovulation tracker. Please update the app to be able to turn off the ovulation tracker. I know that I and many other women would thank you for this!!


I would also like to be able to remove the fertility window, since I'm never fertile due to my birth control choice, but I still want to track my period. I'd rather see "X days until period" instead of "1 day until fertile window" (which is what shows up right now) because this information is inaccurate and not really helpful!


I completely agree with this feature request! As someone who is not currently trying to get pregnant AND on an IUD, this information is both unwelcome and incorrect. Given that I marked the "IUD" checkbox, it feels like a logic flaw to present fertility information. Seeing other women's reactions, this information can not only be irritating but in cases very hurtful. Please do some user testing on this feature with women, it seems rather necessary.


Id also like to have the option the remove the “fertile window” notice.  Myself along with many women for many different reasons don’t want/need to know when this is happening. And can be a painful reminder of what will never be....   please add option to remove fertile notifications. 

Id also like to see the ability to quantify symptoms. Yes, I have cramps. I always have them, for days at a time and I’d like to make a better record of how strong/intense they were on which day.  Thanks 

First Steps

I do not want to see fertile window!!


As not everyone who tracks their menstrual cycle needs/wants to track their fertility, I would like to see the ability to turn this off. For tips on how best to do that, take a look at one of your partners - Clue (which has also realized that this type of thing is not required to be pink) - which I will keep using until you guys figure out how to make your tracker more user friendly.


If you are wondering why we want to still track our periods even if we aren't worried about fertility, it is because it is nice to know when it will hit and if it starts becoming irregular. As well, it will one day be nice to see if there is a correlation between "that time of the month" and sleep, weight fluctuation, calorie intake, etc. (which I am not requesting now as I hope it will show up under the trends option)

First Steps

I agree - please allow us to turn the fertlilty tracking off. I battled with infertility and finally had to accept that a second child wasn’t going to happen (first by IVF) and now I don’t want a sad reminder every month of that fact, but I do want to know when to expect my period.

Recovery Runner

Agree, and it would be great if the predictors were -sorry Fitbit, but really - a little smarter? Fitbit is suggesting ovulation days and fertile windows for me even though I'm on hormonal birth control, which works by suppressing ovulation! If I'm ovulating monthly, it means that something has gone terribly wrong. I feel like the reported use of HBC should suppress these predictors automatically.

Not applicable

I agree 110% with all the above. I want to track my periods, but as a childfree woman sterilised a few years ago "fertile window" is stupidly inaccurate. Just give us a button to turn that bit off, it shouldn't be that hard. I can't begin to imagine how upsetting and inaccurate that is for those women who are not infertile by choice. Not every woman has a "fertile window" yet continues to have periods, it seems like the womens health tracker is more like some kind of conception tool, assuming that all women want to or are able to do so.

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