Sharing GPS map to social media

Sharing a walk to social media (say Facebook) doesn't work correctly. It invites you to take a photo that then gets tagged along with the walk data (not the map feature) Which is then shared. Surely this is wrong, the map picture with the outlined route that you have walked with the detail of that walk should be shared, not a picture that may have been taken after that has no relevance to the walk data.


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity, labels and format.


I would like to have this feature as optional. By default, the settings remain as they are, but if I go on my activities I can click on "Share on FB" in the "..." menu. As simple as that.

Recovery Runner

How difficult is to post the map of my run activities on the facebook timeline (like runtastic)? I love my charge HR but I don t understand why you haven t implemented this feature yet!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

First Steps

I agree, not being able to share my maps generated using the GPS function is quite short sighted.

Tempo Runner

One of the most requested features and Fitbit still doesnt have it. Fail!

Tempo Runner

Why can't this be done?  Fitbit's fix for taking a picture with your stats doesnt cut it.  Fitbit users want this.  What is the hold up?  Does Fitbit not like Facebook or something?  People have voted numerous times for this to be added. 


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Tempo Runner

Why can't Fitbit implement this feature?  Its been requested for years.  Starting to make me want to use another product.  So many simple things were left off the Blaze.

Recovery Runner

I concur.  Been a longtime user of mapmyride and would love to just be able to run one app.  The mapmyride/runs are so bloated now that Under Armour took them over.

Community Legend

With the votes for this suggestion being spread across 6 now 7 requests this feature will never look like it is popular.  Please read the top of the page to find out how to find if a suggestion has already been submitted.

First Steps
I know that sharing is currently broken on the Android app but it would be good to share the map of the route rather than being forced to take a picture.
Base Runner
I think we should have the choice of sharing without a photo. I personally would like to just share my map and stats when I exercise.
Not applicable

I totally agree with this - I do not always want to share a photo of me or my surroundings. But would love to share a photo of route. I have family and friends that are encouraging my recovery and showing them how far I walked on a map is better than a photo of me looking all red faced and sweaty.

First Steps

Completely agree. Did a great walk today but no way of sharing the route with my friends so they can try it out. 

I simply do not want to share a photo of myself or the surroundings when i'm sat in the pub at the end of the walk.

First Steps

Yes please, all the other apps are doing it. I don't need to take a picture but to actually share my maps with my other sporty friends, not my sweaty face LOL

Recovery Runner

I took a forest hike today and my Blaze linked to the GPS on my phone and presented me with a beautiful map of my route.  I was able to export it as a TCX file.  I would have loved to have been able to share it on Facebook, if not as a TCX then as a simple JPEG or other type of standard picture file.


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels. 

Not applicable

take a screenshot.

create a Facebook post.

add the screenshot.


easy ?

Stepping Up
I think this is a great idea I'd love to be able to share some of my run routes on Facebook with just a tap of a share button... Especially since not all phones have a screenshot option. It's got my vote
First Steps
Haha you guys got all the reasons here right. I'm just here to add my support for this request!
First Steps

A screenshot of an activity is not as easy as FitBit including the route map in the share process. And a screenshot could include info that a user doesn't want to share.


The route map should be included in the share process and the inclusion of a user picture should be optional.


NB Pictures appear upside down when sharing to Facebook with my Galaxy S7 so they are useless.

Recovery Runner
Yes please!! It gives the option to share the exercise (Android App) but then I have to take a picture to share the stats on the map? That seems silly in my opinion. Sharing the map would be a much more likely option!

Please let us share the map instead of the silly picture, nobody wants to see sweating me

Recovery Runner

Give us the ability when sharing exercise or run data to Facebook to NOT take a picture using the device camera and instead post a GPS map or something like that just showing the main stats of the exercise (e.g. distance, time, pace, steps etc.) which, when shared to Facebook, can be clicked and links to user Fitbit event record.


I agree!  Both Garmin Connect and Strava do this very well.  You need to catch up, Fitbit!!

Keeping Pace

Hard to understand that the most obvious information about a walk/run namely the nice little map that has been recorded can not be shared. Guys, you can do better! BTW, this is about sharing exercises to social media in general, not only facebook.


I agree. Seems illogical not to be able to include map. This should also apply to Android app


use RunKeeper, it does what you need

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