Sleep score, overview month and year

I do like the new sleep scores.

However I would appreciate very much to not only have a weekly overview/graph, but also a month and year overview too. Benchmark too.


Moderator edit: Labels

(Broken Fitbits One, Charge 2 and 3). Using Charge 4 and Garmin fēnix 6. App vs 4.35. Android 14

Agree. Sleep scores are subjective and seem innacurate. Got “85 Good” one night when I slept 5 hours and 6 min... switch it back to Avg per night for the week!

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi there, what a nice suggestion @Corr .  I hope many users cast a vote for this idea and leave a comment to show support.

First Steps

I want to know how the new "sleep score" is calculated. Algebraically. 


I find it depressing and completely un-motivating.  As a person who struggles to get enough sleep every night (yes, I get up at the same time every day so that I can do my daily 4 to 5 mile walk) and goes to bed earlier and earlier in hopes of improving my overall length of sleep, I find it irritating to find out that my 6 hours and 38 minutes (a lot for me and usually requires 7.5 to 8 hours in bed to achieve) garners a 60.  I much preferred the previous method of giving me daily minute and hour averages totaled for the week.  I cannot control how much REM or Deep sleep I get every night any more than I can control how many times I wake up.  I wish I could!!  My doctor has yet to come up with anything other than the standard "go to bed and get up at the same time ever night and get regular exercise" stuff.  I do not take sleep aids or drugs.  I have to walk at 5 in the morning (I live in AZ . . . going later in the day is suicidal).

So, as a person with a math degree, I'd just like to know how this new score is calculated.  It cannot be that difficult to provide.  If it is more than just algebra, give me a shot anyway.  I still want to know.


Make “sleep score” optional or go just go back to the universal standard of hours and minutes. 

I just want to see the entire graphic as it’s shown on the dash board. I used to be able to tap on the graphic to be taken to a larger view of it, and then I could get landscape orientation. I liked that. Now when I tap on the dashboard graphic I’m taken to a VERY uninformative page that will show me the individual pieces of the sleep graphic, but I can’t get the whole thing. The calculation page is useless.

Recovery Runner

@YojanaFitbit , too bad there's no way to downvote... the vast majority of us dislike the meaningless "sleep score"


I came here also to say I would prefer to see only hours and minutes. I'm glad there is already a thread on it. The thing I'd like back the most is your average sleep time over a week rather than an average sleep score. I would suggest a slider in the options to turn sleep scores off and revert to hours and minutes only. 

First Steps

A score is too subjective.  Please go back to averages.  I don't want to be rated if i slept good, fair or bad.  I can do that on my own by looking at the averages.  Please make this score optional at least.  I do no like these scores at all.  I sleep very little 2.5 - 5 hours a night.  Most of my times aren't even calculated scored.  Having the data in hours and average hours per week really helped me bring it closer to 5 and higher.  Now this score is useless to me.  This is the whole reason why i bought a fitbit.  To help with my sleep.

Tempo Runner

Subjective as it appears to be, it makes no sense to me that I can scroll back through the sleep score numbers on my phone app, but that the data is not available on the web based dashboard or windows app at all, or displayed anywhere as a bar chart or average monthly/ yearly score, which I think is what the original request here was asking for.   Basic Sleep data also used to have a chart showing how your sleep stats compared to average data for the general population, which was kind of interesting to see, but that chart seems to have been lost somewhere along the way, 

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Corr and thanks for sharing this suggestion, which has received votes from other community members. I’m happy to let you know that this suggestion has been picked up internally at Fitbit and is being considered by our team. This suggestion will either remain ‘Under Consideration’ until released, or else move to ‘Not Currently Planned’ if it’s not viable right now. Further updates will be posted here.


Please remember that if a suggestion is chosen for development, it can take some time before updates are available or a release is finalized, so thanks in advance for your patience. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs. Fans can continue to vote for this feature suggestion while it is under consideration.


Thanks @LizFitbit !

Base Runner

I very much agree with this idea. Knowing how my sleep scores have varied over the past week is a lot less informative than knowing how they have varied over the past month or past year.


Ideally, I would want to see a chart like the one shown for weight. Something that allows me to easily spot stand out events (like individual nights where I got unusually good or usually bad sleep in the past month or year) with a second line showing me the averages overlaid on top.

First Steps
In the Sleep Score why don’t you give the report on 30 days average and Benchmark?
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @mknetwork, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see a monthly graph and benchmark showing sleep score . I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about it here. I hope to see you around.

I agree that it would be nice to be able to look at a wider range of sleep scores to see monthly and yearly progress. The sleep feature is my most helpful tool. I would love to look at it from broader angle than the weekly stat.

First Steps

I still want to know how the score is calculated.  I cannot see a clear correlation--even marginally--from day to day if I compare length of sleep, REM, deep, light and awake time to the score I receive.  Obviously, if I get more REM, my score seems to go up some, but the overall length of sleep doesn't seem to factor into the equation.  I want an option where I can choose to only see the times averaged for a the week (daily, rolling 7-day average might be interesting) including separate weekly statistics for the minutes of REM, Deep, and awake time.  But because I have no understanding of your "score", I have no faith in its accuracy, either.  It only makes me feel deflated every morning, especially after having what I would have sworn felt like a restful, 7.5 hours of sleep, only to find that your score rated the night as on the low end of the "fair" range.


The whole purpose of monitoring one's sleep is to notice trends, tendencies and factors that impact sleep. How can one do that if we only have 7 days of data?  It seems to me before I got premium that I was able to do so, is this a limitation with premium membership?  The rich variety of information in the sleep app is one of the reasons I have stayed faithful to fitbit and not gone to the Apple watch,  I find the score meaningless and a simplistic and not very useful way of monitoring sleep. 

Stepping Up
Each tracking record of sleep comes with a date (day and month) in the mobile app, but does not have the year info. Please include this in the record by updating the app.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Karl80, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see yearly overview of sleep details. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". I hope to see you around.

Stepping Up

Hi @YojanaFitbit thank you for shifting my suggestion to here.

Summary of the threads here:

- make sleep score an option, and provide explanation on the calculation

- resume back averages  

- include year info in the record 

- include bar chart and benchmark for the sleep score (or maybe averages or actual sleep duration too)


The suggestions have been around since 2019. Hope the development progress can be expedited.


First Steps

I really wish this had happened by now, I’ve done a lot of work on my sleep over the last year and it would really help if I could compare the past data. 

Recommend adding additional sleep score average metrics for hours slept and sleep score, like we have for one's resting heart rate and steps (1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 1 year) Currently, for sleep score we may only see daily and 1 week averages . TIA!
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Putt4money, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about having the option to see sleep score overview for every week, month and year. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". I hope to see you around.


Hope to see this feature. Would certainly like to see my improvement during a month or a year.

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