Standing recognition

I have a standing desk and it important to me very much as my fitbit charge 2 currently has no differentiation between me standing and sitting, which seems bizarre. I used to have xiaomi 2 and all of the functions are the same, it will be interesting in terms of accuracy if this is the case.


The differentiating factor is the standinve vs sitting which xiaomi doesn't have but apple watch does. I stand almost 8 hours a day at my desk which is why I dropped the Xiaomi for fitbit. It is my problem I know as should have read the directions more clearly. Tech wise is this something you can add? Or would you recommend another model if I need this service please?


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Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing @Mikeoner. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

Recovery Runner

I have also a standing desk and never thought about that but you are right. From activity point of view this is totally different to sitting the whole day. 

I would appreciate  this function not only for the charge 2 but also for the other models like ionic, versa, etc.

Recovery Runner

This is a great idea.

Never even thought about it before you mentioned it @Mikeoner

I also use a standing desk at work. Would be quite interesting to see what difference it makes to stand vs sitting caloric wise.

First Steps

I would love to see this option available as well!I aim to stand most of my work day and I would like to track how much I actually am.


I am a cashier, and I am on my feet my entire shift. I wish my fitbit wouldn’t call it sedentary because i am standinng and doing many different tasks. Perhaps you could make it possible to program in hours- something that will let it know that for this period of time, i am on my feet, just not walking. 

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Hi @Narudreamer97, thanks for your suggestion. I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Keep sharing your ideas! Woman Happy


I don’t have a standing desk, but I’m a cashier, very similar. My hands are moving all the time, but sometimes my feet have to stay planted. Even if we could just tell it our work shift or what hours we were standing- i would like that better

Not applicable

I just pre-ordered the Charge 3 -- first time Fitbitter.  I did install the app however and began setting up the integrations with other apps like Strava and Lose It.  I started manually entering activity and was shocked to find that standing was not available, but things like shooting and stretching are.  I spent quite a bit of money on a stand-up desk specifically for the health and calorie burning benefits.  It's a real shame I'm not able to log that.  I would very much like to see this added.


I just bought the Charge3 and was very surprised to not see "standing" as a category.  I had been seeing this feature on my wife's apple watch and was one of the reasons I was looking forward to getting a wrist monitor.  I walk around a lot at work, but I also have a standing desk that I can be at for hours as well.  Has there been any movement on adding this feature?

First Steps

I assumed that buying the Iconic as it is one of the nicer Fitbit models would come with the standing time vs. sitting time tracking, and I'm very disappointed it doesn't. Is this a feature that can be added in an update, or would someone have to purchase a new watch with that capability in order to get it?



I would really love some movement on this issue as well. The Apple watch
recognizes standing versus sitting. I'm unaware of a major technology
difference between the Fitbit and the Apple watch. Is the data given by
Apple bogus data?
First Steps

Agree! Would love to be able to track the amount of time I spend standing vs. sitting at work.  Reminders to stand up would be useful as well. 

Not applicable

I would love to know/track my time standing in a day. I work at a desk job so I don't get the chance to move much but I do have a standing desk and I would love to know how long I'm standing! The apple watch has this feature and thought it would be amazing for fitbit! 🙂 

Not applicable

I also agree with this!! I would love to know or track my time standing and see what difference it makes on my day. 

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Hello @SunsetRunner ! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! Woman Happy

First Steps

Yes standing metrics would be amazing!!! I have a standing desk at work but it's hard to stay motivated to stand if I don't know how long I have or haven't been standing. 


Agreed. Considering using a standing desk is an increasingly common way of improving your health at work, it seems like a key thing for a Fitbit-wearer to want to be able to track. This is especially true if competitor products are already doing this.

First Steps

+1 on this!  I have an adjustable height desk at work and would love to get credit for standing as well as be able to set reminders to change position (from sitting to standing and vice versa)

First Steps

Absolutely agree. Standing is a must to help me keep moving and understand when I am flat sitting too much in meetings. I average 7+ hrs meetings a day and 2 hrs in the car. We are working to have standing huddles and meetings to help with the sedentary nature of the work.


I am also looking for this feature! It would be great to tracking standing time at my desk so I know if I reached my personal goal or not.

First Steps

So I decided on getting a fitbit over an apple watch bc I do love the fitbit app for tracking fitness and health BUT one thing that I got stuck on was the standing reminder. I switch between standing and sitting a lot at work and I'm amazed that standing and sitting are seen as the same in the fitbit ecosystem. I would love to see this added. Standing and sitting are very different for your health (my physical therapist has pointed out several issues that come from being sedentary at work and standing has helped greatly with that) and should be recorded as so. Standing is recorded via the accelerometer which the fitbit has so why not program standing in?

First Steps

Yes, please. I have a standing desk, and having activity for standing would be a helpful incentive to stand more.

First Steps

This would be great! I stand all day and need do walk to drawers to serve patients (pharmacy) but my steps don’t register as it’s just a few steps at a time. Over 8 hours these should add up but obviously don’t at all. An option to at least show I’m on my feet would be good! 



i also use a standing desk and was disappointed to see that my charge 3 didn’t recognize the difference between sitting and standing. 
would it really recognize side stepping? Going to test that out tomorrow. Please add a stand tracker to your devices as others have also requested over the past year. 

First Steps

I would also love to see this functionality. 

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