Start Adventures on Same Day

The application adventure is a potentially good application however in order for you to use it you have put reservations and for a day in advance. The application will not start until the next day. At which point it starts at 12:00 AM. This appears to be relatively odd. The resolution for this would be for the application to start immediately. After all it's about being motivated immediately not a day after. Other than that the application is a waste of time.



Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

First Steps

Hi - I think this is a great idea. Am new to Fitbit and get to browse for challenges first thing before I get up and would like to start them now rather than tomorrow. So the option to pick between those options would be great. 


Is there any update on this feature being added?


Thanks very much

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

First Steps
Hi, they keep responding to say it is a great idea but they are expecting me to do something! I have no influence, may be you do?? Seems like a relatively simple fix
It would be nice to see FitBit do something impressive, I am on device #4 and decided to stick this one back together with superglue rather than go through "customer service" again
First Steps

How many more people do you need to find this obscure link before you actually make this very simple fix to the software, in the meantime, I get copied on all the notes and people seem to think that I have some magic power to influence FitBit, which I do not

Hi Steve
I wish I did have some influence - I have tried before to get someone’s attention but company- wide that seems to be an issue. Whilst I love their products I am not that impressed with their service - much like you I understand!

Marion Freijsen

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Excuse strange typos!
First Steps


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Not applicable

This suggestion is approaching a year old and yet we still can't start a solo challenge until "tomorrow".  


Fitbit, please, please, please get this changed.  I was just sitting here and wanted to challenge myself on the treadmill with a solo challenge, but I can't start it until tomorrow.


We need to be able to start our challenges as soon we want. not the next day.  People sometimes get spontaneously inspired to do something with a friend and we should be able set a manual start time( ie. immediately, or in 1 hour, etc)

First Steps

Totally surprised that a challenge must begin...tomorrow.  And discouraged to find that a same day challenge start has been requested for well over a year.

First Steps
You and me both, the follow up from FitBit has been shocking. They do not seem interested in the feedback they get and this must be such a simple fix!
They tell you to write on their feedback board, they actually responded after a year or so to say “we will monitor and see how many more comments we get”
Customer loyalty waning rapidly!!!!

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Recovery Runner

I'm posting here because I saw a recommendation to do so somewhere else but it's actually made me sort of feel it's hopeless. So many posts asking for the same thing and going back over a year...I don't think the developers are really interested. Still, I'm going to try anyway, though I'm mostly repeating what others have already said...


I just did one of the longer challenges that worked about to be 4.5x my daily average. I increased my daily steps trying to complete it in 4 days but I simply could not finish last night, needing 2,600 more than my daily average. I tried walking extra to make it up but still fell about 1200 steps short. So I had to finish that this morning and completed it on my walk to work...and now I can't start a new challenge until tomorrow. As someone else on here mentioned, these are the solo adventures, they should just start whenever.


I like the example of the person who went to the zoo. Sometimes I don't have plans for going out on the weekend - after a stressful week at work, I like to veg (vegetate/relax). If a friend calls and says, 'hey, I need your help' - it would really help to be able to do one of the adventures with my unexpected steps. It would certainly make following someone endlessly around a mall a lot more tolerable if I could pretend I was really hiking outdoors...

First Steps

This request has been around for 2 years now, is there any motivation from Fitbit DEV to add a Start Now feature?

First Steps
To be honest, I don’t think FitBit are motivated to do anything! not impressive for a company which is trying to help motivate its customers into action!

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Recovery Runner

Totally agree. It should be up to the individual when they start. Just begin the count at the point you begin the challenge. Sometimes I wake up and currently need that incentive, but may not have felt like that yesterday.

Recovery Runner

This appears to have been a suggestion for at least 2 years!! What is the hold up. Seems like that would be a pretty simple option to apply for your programmets


First Steps
I so agree with you!! I am just a fit bit blogger as Fitbit told me that this is how you inspire them to do anything, except they are not inspired to do anything at all!!Sorry I can't help you apart from to say, Get up and go for a walk! Lol!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
First Steps

I agree I have just encountered this problem today. It would be better if you could start it straight away. Why delay till tomorrow what you can do today!

First Steps

I also would like to start today. There's a timing issue with ending and starting solo adventures. Even with it starting tomorrow I can't really plan for it. I can't sign up to start one until I've finished the last one. Since I don't have a data plan, that means I need to go home or somewhere with wifi to collect all my day's steps to finish an adventure. So even if I know my adventure is finished because I can see on my fitbit that I have the steps and they will retroactively upload to my app when I'm home, I can't retroactively have signed up for a new adventure. If I get home after midnight, the steps upload and I finish an adventure and go to bed but I can't do an adventure when I wake up the next day because I can't "start today" and I can't ask it in advance to just sign me up for the next one as soon as this one's finished. 

The app does a lot of things. You'd think a simple subtraction of existing steps before you start the adventure wouldn't be too difficult. 

First Steps

So 88 people have liked this trail, 43 people have actually taken the time to add a comment in agreement with the request, nobody said that they thought this was a stupid idea and for a technology company like FitBit you would think it would be a simple fix! But No! Nothing happens.


I have actually given up on Fitbit after my fourth Charge HR broke and FitBit support did such a miserable job at responding, actually they responded to the quality problems they have with their equipment in the same way as they did to this request from their Fitbit community - they did nothing!


if you want to get motivated, look outside, see how beautiful the world is and go for a walk, run or ride, just don’t worry about the step count, i have tried it and it works.


I wanted to do a solo challenge today, but it won’t start until tomorrow. Disappointing. I can’t do it tomorrow. Why the wait? Can’t you make it start on demand instead of having to schedule a day in advance? 

Community Legend

I like this @adguy and it makes perfect sense. If we were on a walk by ourselves, we wouldn't have to wait for our friends to begin. Nice thought!


Yes, need to be able to choose when we start a challenge. Utterly ridiculous that you haven't even taken the first step of the day and still have to wait until "tomorrow" to start. Makes me not want to do it at all, really. FIX IT FITBIT!!! 

First Steps

It's just past midnight and I'm off to Manchester tomorrow to do a long walk around the city. Thought I'd give this a go... and it won't start until Sunday when I'll probably be sat recovering all day. It really needs the option of immediately and tomorrow. 

First Steps
Fitbit - is this something that’s on your development plan?

It has been mentioned by a good number of your customers now.

Can you update us at all please?



I agree!! I just updated from the charge 2 to the Versa and I maybe had 15 steps this morning when I decided to enter the challenge. It said start tomorrow. Then I got this Eternal Sunshine notification telling me to take chances today and not leave things to tomorrow. I am frustrated with Fitbit and the measly 15 steps I took this morning to go to the bathroom beforehand. How can I make great habits today when I can’t start this challenge until tomorrow? 

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