Start week on Monday on Android App

So sorry, USA, but you are the only ones who start the week on Sunday. For the rest of the world, we would really appreciate if we can change the settings on our Android app for the week to start on the first day of the week, namely Monday. I know you can do it on the dashboard, but I'd like to start the week on Mondays, also on the app, as this is my primary go-to place to check stats. 




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First Steps

How is this still not implemented? The app developement team is terrible!

Recovery Runner
The fact there is no response is alarming.
First Steps
Hi guys. Still not fixed yet? Let me have a look. 😉 That should be not more than 5 lines of code.
Not applicable

Hello FitBit people!


First of all: YOU ARE AWESOME! 🙂 I love what you do making ppl move. I really do. And I'd love your product to be as friendly as something super friendly (teletubbies?) and as lovable as something anyone would love to love (ice cream, maybe?)

And I also sincirely wish you luck. And a good mood. And happiness. No matter when or where you are reading this.




I'm just swinging by to share some info with you. In case noone done that before, of course.

There's a secret, a big one. Everyone should know it these days. And the secret is:

Monday is when the week starts! Not Sunday!

Sunday is the LAST day of the week (and also: there's no spoon. As per Neo. However that's the separate secret and I'm not ready to share it yet).

Day begins on midnight, not the 11pm of yesterday, right?

"...yes bro. yes. I've done it today, eleven pm. No, the one BEFORE midnight. Yeah, when day starts. That one..."


Year starts in January, not in December. Christmas is when the year ends. Not when the next one startrs, sure?

"... looking forward to start 2017 with awesome December vacation!"


30th of each month is the end of the month rather than the beginning of the next one...

"yeah, you'll get your October salary 30th of November... you know... when November starts. Yeah, that day. Do we call it 30th of October? No.. 30th of October is when October starts. Telling you, November starts on 30th of November. "

...see where I'm going?


Somehow my week starts on Monday. Probably I was born this way. Dunno. But I've checked today, I've checked yesterday and every and any day, if I check it, the week still starts on Monday.

100% of the time it starts on Monday every time.


It even does so if I look at the website.

All calendars around me start weeks on Mondays. Including the one in my phone. The one in the very phone where fitbit app is installed as well.

But it's on Sunday in my Android app. And this is WRONG! This makes kittens feel bad.


Every stat which says "this week" is WRONG. It doesn't account for this week's Sunday and stuffs in that unwelcome Sunday from the previous week.


Please, pretty  please, make it configurable in the Android fitbit app!

It would be nice to be able to SET locale-related settings separately, rather than pick them up from hell knows where. I like English language of the UI (haven't seen the option to change it though), I also enjoy proper metric system rather than that awkward whatever is used in the USA. Thanks for making it possible to do that byt he way 🙂  Hope backend stores my weight in kilos as well ))))

However I never-ever-ever wanted my week to start on Sunday.


Users are not dumb and are not lazy either. If there would be "Advanced" settings option I would use it. Everone would. But there's no such a thing.

Users are able to even send REST requests to alter settings, write own "proxy" UIs or maybe even de-dex the app and tweak the hell out of it, re-assembling it back :))))) But why? I know you can do this.


Do it!

Just.... do it. Just concentrate, focus, think about it. Believe in yourselves...

...and DO IT!


Wish you all the best. May the Force be with you (not the one you make, but the one which levitates Jedis). And don't forget to call your mum, she loves you.



your user.

Recovery Runner

one more vote for this.  Just make the app on android agree with the one set on the PC

First Steps
I don't understand how this is not fixed yet, fitbit. How many votes do you need?

Getting a little frustrated with this hard can it be??? Please change the start of the week to the Monday........I love my Fitbit and being able to have challenges with my friends, but the Samsung Gear is starting to look more and more appealing.......

Recovery Runner

I would like to have the option of choosing any day of the week as a starting point, on PC or app.   You should also be able to choose the time your week starts.  


As many others have mentioned, if you are in a program and weigh in on Tuesdays or Fridays or something, having your records match your program week would be really helpful.


And for those with non-traditional work schedules, 3rd shift for example, being able to set your day and time would let your Fitbit match your life better.




So how many years will go by before the Fitbit Android app can have the week start on Monday???????? 


To allow the Windows desktop app to have the setting but not the Android app shows someone at Fitbit is sitting on their hands (to put it as politely as possible) and I assume there is no Q/A department at Fitbit either????   😞


I see this "feature suggestions" here for well over a year but. . . .   ?

First Steps
At this point it's pretty obvious fitbit doesn't care about suggestions people give on this site
Recovery Runner

I've quit using the phone app.  I was having too much trouble connecting to it to sync anyway.  I just sync with a PC.  Maybe I'll give it a try if they fix it.

First Steps

Please make this happen!

Recovery Runner

I'm USA and I start my day on Monday.  I refuse to believe this is a US thing, just one stubborn programmer.

Stepping Up

Sunday continues to be the start of the week for American  calendars... as in the Jewish and Christian tradition of starting the week with Sunday.  However, in this app. it would be nice to have a five day week choice as in Monday through Friday only.  Could that be arranged?

Leave OFF Sat. and Sun. in our challenges- or make that a choice in a seven day week.  Some people can only do the weekend challenge as a two or three day challenge.  


Another vote. Please at least make everything CONSISTENT through platforms. This is NOT platform's constrain

Recovery Runner



See screenshot.

so utterly stupid and totaly wrong!

The dates (mo to sun)  are ok, the numbers are wrong (sun to sat).

This is a severe bug in the best fitness app ever. 

Tempo Runner

Please, leave your comments on forum:

Seems they not interested in this section for years.

Not applicable

I am a weight watchers member and would like to be able to change my start day to Friday to coincide with my with in day.   

Recovery Runner

My google calendar begins with Sunday in the leftmose column

Not applicable
I'm trying to start my week on Friday to coordinate with weight watchers.
If there is anyway to do that please let me know.
First Steps

Ughh this is so frustrating. I need to be able to set the 1st day of the week to Monday.l!!'

First Steps

Weird, I'm having the opposite problem.  My sleep tracker week runs from Monday to Sunday, and I'd really like it to start in Sunday.  Please add in the ability to choose week start date, and make it consistent throughout the app.


Please let us have the option of starting Monday, it is very frustrating that the statistics is not correct for.

Not applicable

This request seems simple and easy to add to the app, but Fitbit seems to just ignore their customers. Please add it to your next update. Makes no sense at all to have the android app week start on a Sunday when the rest of the world if finishing their week. 

First Steps

This ain't going no where. I have been subsribing to this thread for several months and nothing happens. I will unsubsribe to this thread...

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