Support DD/MM date format on Charge 5

The new Charge 5 only has an American date format when set to an English speaking country, despite having an English date format for many non-English speaking countries. Please change the date format for the UK to DD/MM.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject


To be clear, this only applies to the Continuum clock face. It just happens to be the one most people like, (the one featured on the box).

I’m now using the Target clock face which has the added day of the week on it.

But the fact they need so many votes for what is fundamentally a bug fix is ludicrous.

First Steps
23 clocks faces
2 no date shown (vogue & symphony)
1 dd only no month (california dream)
17 mm/dd format
3 dd/mm format

Seems to be a huge imbalance of choice and also fitbits own advert for the charge 5 shows the Continuum face as dd/mm yet its not an option. Poor if not false advertising. Definitely should be a bug fix not a feature request.

Get Outlook for Android
First Steps

This is a must! It looks like some sort of fraction/progress.. 10/26 I need to get 16 more! please can we move to DD/MM

Ultramarathon Racer

Most of the world uses a DD/MM format.  The US (and a few other countries) use a MM/DD format.  Fitbit is not taking much of a world view by having such limited programming.  ALL Fitbit devices need a DD/MM option.

First Steps

Yes totally agree. It should be DD/MM for UK. Also why does the screen on the advert shown Oct 23? That is a compromise but I have no idea how to get that to be shown? I have the same front screen with the lines going up the screen but just shows the date as MM/DD.

Recovery Runner
Hi there, I’m afraid you won’t even find the MMM/DD format for the Continuum clock face. This has been my bone of contention with Fitbit in that their packaging has misled the vast majority of the world outside of America to think that was how the date would appear. I’d be quite happy if it appeared as they have advertised! As many have commented this post should not have to gain enough support to enable Fitbit to “evaluate the idea as a future feature”, but should be immediately addressed as a bug fix in a software update!

Kind regards,

Paul Wright
First Steps

Just bought the Charge 5, was very impressed until I tried to change the date format and found this thread. Such laziness in the extreme by Fitbit, so back it will go 

Yeah, this isn't a feature request. In any modern associate, this is a bug report. The 'How to use your Fitbit' page on the app even shows in English dd MMM format!




Modern software, that is.

Recovery Runner

Seriously? The US is the only country to the daft month, day, year system. Please give us the sensible day, month, year view. 

I completely agree with you on this subject. FITBIT should stop procrastinating and get it done.

Sent from Mail for Windows
First Steps

Hi Fitbit. Please work on this suggestion thanks. mm/dd format isnt the international standard for dates.

Recovery Runner

I do not see why i have to vote for something the majority of the english speaking counties around the world use everyday! yet fitbit force us to use something 1 country uses! pretty disgusting behaviour if i’m honest. funniest thing is if i change the language then the date format changes! so you are only doing it for other english countries other than the USA! terrible service! chances of buying another fitbit after this 0%!

First Steps

This is laughably bad. Cannot believe this product made its way through QA without anyone realising they hadn't internationalised it properly. Embarrassing for such a prominent company.

To force users to log the fix as a feature request only adds insult to injury.

Recovery Runner
I know, it’s unbelievable isn’t it! The current advertising outside of the USA still shows the DD/MMM format which we know is not there! Fitbit should be ashamed of themselves and the Advertising Standards should jump on them- it’s totally wrong!

Kind regards,

Paul Wright
First Steps

The way these things tend to go, they'll choose not to engage with users and eventually quietly roll out a fix.


I hope that's the way it goes, anyway.


In the meanwhile I've changed to a different clock face that's capable of displaying legible dates.

Not applicable

Australia also used DD/MM format.  I would also like to see the option to change the date format with country selection

First Steps

+1 for DD/MM - very confusing otherwise!  (Australian user)

Recovery Runner

Please Fitbit change this for the continuum face. Very disappointed

First Steps

It’s quite unbelievable in this day and age that there is no DD/MM or DD/MMM function for UK users - the User Guide / Manual shows an example date of ‘23 Oct’ - that’s what I want to see! Not mumbo Jumbo Americanisms that only make sense to Americans and NOT to the rest of the English speaking world! Days come first then weeks or months then years. Please get a grip and sort out a software fix PLEASE! 

First Steps

It’s quite unbelievable in this day and age that there is no DD/MM or DD/MMM function for UK users - the User Guide / Manual shows an example date of ‘23 Oct’ - that’s what I want to see! Not mumbo Jumbo Americanisms that only make sense to Americans and NOT to the rest of the English speaking world! Days come first then weeks or months then years. Please get a grip and sort out a software fix PLEASE! 

First Steps

Heck, I'd like a YYYY-MM-DD ISO 8601 date format option.


Months later and still waiting. I'm so close to returning this. 

Having a backwards date is useless. I'd rather not have it at all. 

Fix it or refund me! 

Oh and with the false advertising showing the correct format, I will be reporting this to Fair Trading here in Australia too.

I'm not "asking" for a "feature update". I'm DEMANDING that you fix your SOFTWARE DEFICIENCY. Immediately! 

First Steps

False advertising.

Fix this.

Not applicable

I'm confused.


Fitbit is now owned by Google isn't it?


The largest data company on the planet.


Why then, should such a minor issue have become a major problem for those of us who do not follow the American date convention?


If such a simple thing like this cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of those requesting it, how are we to assume Fitbit will address any major technical issues?


I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed that the Charge 5 cannot do what the Charge 2 I've just replaced did with ease.

Stepping Up

Please add in the DD/MM format for non-US users. I've just upgraded to the Charge 5 and am very disappointed that the "23 Oct" advertised on the box is a complete lie. There is no way of displaying the date in this format on the Continuum clock face as advertised.

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