Support DD/MM date format on Charge 5

The new Charge 5 only has an American date format when set to an English speaking country, despite having an English date format for many non-English speaking countries. Please change the date format for the UK to DD/MM.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

This is clearly a localisation bug and should be treated as such. Please resolve this. 

First Steps

Please fix this. Its completely mad and as others have commented not as advertised. 

Not applicable

So, yet again, the 'rest of the world' (outside the USA) doesn't exist. Exactly HOW difficult is it to 'internationalise this feature?

Not applicable

+1 to this feature. It isn't hard to do programmatically...!


Moderator Edit: Word choice


I find it staggering that you can’t change the date format. Even more so that they see it as an improvement suggestion! In its current format it isn’t fit for purpose in the U.K. They clearly aren’t concerned about it or they would of fixed it by now. It will be the last Fitbit product I buy. So disappointed. 


3 months and still no bug-fix?
The problem is, this is in the wrong forum. It’s not a “feature request”.

If you can change the date format via changing the language, you already have the “feature”, you just can’t display UK English.

@LizzyFitbit any idea when this will be sorted?

Recovery Runner
Fitbit are insisting this is a “Feature request” and are absolutely adamant it’s not a “Bug fix” - a ridiculous repose and symptomatic of the US companies arrogance - I still think they are breaking advertising rules (if not the Sale of Goods Act in the UK) by selling the product in packaging that shows a DD-MMM format.

Kind regards,

Paul Wright
It is just not on.
First Steps

For those of us who live outside the USA, this is not a feature request, it IS a bug fix.


100% agree! I’m in NZ, just had my charge 5 delivered today and the date is so frustrating. I want the option of having the date set as if I’m in a country other than America 😑 this needs to be fixed ASAP, or at least give us some idea of how long we have to wait for this to be sorted??? 

Not applicable

I can't see any degree of urgency from Fitbit with regard to this poorly
coded product.

The time display is similarly annoying with leading 0s where inappropriate.


Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

Recovery Runner

Also would like to have DD/MM/YY date format on my new Charge 5 (From Norway here)

First Steps

Can’t believe we are having to vote for this as a ‘feature’ for it to be looked at. It’s a basic functional requirement.

Recovery Runner

I also find the incorrect date format extremely confusing. Can you please enable us to change your British format.




Yeah, it should properly seen as a design fault for an international
product, not an 'enhancement,' says this guy with 32 years IT experience.
It's something Fitbit should be embarrassed about.

I've had my Charge 5 for a couple of weeks now, and the date thing has been niggling so I set about trying to change it. I was amazed and disappointed to read that DD/MM date format is not supported on the primary clock face.


After multiple strap/clasp failures and a stupidly dim (unusable) screen on my previous Fitbit, I was wary about buying the 5. So far the screen has been a revelation in light of the sheer hassle factor of my previous version. But this date business sure does add unexpected frustration.


Please fix ASAP!


Agree, this is absolutely essential and imo total ignorance/arrogance to not use what's considered the correct date format for most of the English-speaking world.




In the meantime I've changed my language to French and it's updated immediately.

Recovery Runner

Can’t believe this still has not been fixed. And no updates from Fitbit. 

Recovery Runner
Yes, typical unfortunately of Fitbit, they are not the quickest at resolving simple issues.

Get Outlook for iOS
First Steps

This is unacceptable. Any updates on this?

First Steps

Another user from the UK, so I've added my vote.  I did try switching my location to France, which fixes the date format (proving it's not actually hard coded) but also switches the language to French, not ideal, I don't speak French 😄


I do agree though that it's pretty poor that this hadn't been considered.  It seems it is possible to have different date formats for different locations, so please fix this for non-US locations.  Properly functioning localisation should not be considered a feature request!



First Steps

Concur with the other posters, this is a ridiculous oversight by FitBit programmers. Most of the world uses DD/MM and the product is sold around the world so why not include the setting!  Its not a "feature"  it's a normal setting in all technology apps and devices.  Don't be so lazy and fob people off with claiming it should be a feature request


As an ex software-engineer myself I think whoever designed/approved this to be only mm/dd should hang their head in shame. Perfect example of a very sophisticated piece of software let down by something so simple. Or the selfish USA-centred thinking (or should I say USA-centered)


And yes this is a bug fix because as other's have said that it shows dd/mm if France is chosen as a location. So basically Fitbit programmers/designers didn't know we use dd/mm in UK. LMAO


supposedly on UK marketing material for the watch it shows the date in UK format. So now we have a case of false advertising too!

First Steps

As davelee212 found out. This is definitely a bug because watch faces do support other date formats. If I change the language in Fitbit app to Polish for example I get the correct European date format. However, when I select any English speaking country other than the US it goes back to the US locale. So to me it looks like there is either a bug or someone was too lazy and assumed that all English speaking countries will have the same localisation settings.


@PerfectMike yeah, why have different English speaking countries in settings if it they all revert to USA???

After 4 months and… crickets… It’ll likely be a “New Feature” for the Charge 6, sadly.

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