Track Macros in App (daily carbs/protein/fat intake)

The browser log shows a breakdown of your macros for the day, and this is extremely useful, but it is absent in the app. For many people, including myself, it's not only important to track your calorie intake for the day, but also your macronutrient intake (carbohydrates, protein, and fat). When I'm considering my next meal or planning my food for the day, I want to know how much of each macronutrient I have eaten so far, so I don't go overboard. As a busy individual, most of my food logging is done through the app. However, I can not track my macronutrients through the app, which makes it hard for me to regulate my intake.


Here is an example of the "daily totals" macro tracker on the Fitbit browser log:


Extremely helpful. Not only does it show how many grams of each macro I've consumed for the day, but it also shows the percentage of my daily consumption for each macro. The aforementioned is a fabulous feature because I split my daily macro targets into percentages (ie; 30% carbs, 35% fat, 35% protein). This allows to see me where I'm at so far, or even log everything I INTEND to eat and see where that would leave me. Then, I can make adjustments. Really a great feature.


But, again, it's not available on the app. And I think it's really important that this be added, for several reasons:


  • A lot of people log most of their food through the day via app because of time restrictions/lack of access to a computer.
  • Real time macronutrient tracking helps everyone to meet their goals and adjust planned meals based on where their macronutrients currently stand.
  • Macronutrient tracking is just as important as calorie tracking. We need a balance of macronutrients to be happy and healthy.
  • Easily accessible (app) macronutrient tracking will help people to see patterns in their diet which are causing them to fall short of what they need, therefore helping them improve their diet.
  • Diet and what you eat is just as important as how many calories you consume. Being able to see the macronutrient numbers alongside the calorie numbers will help people become more aware of their diet.

Please give us macronutrient tracking in the app! It's such a wonderful feature of the browser log, and should definitely be prioritized for including it in the app log. Fitbit is an amazing product and can really help people turn their lifestyles around for the better, and adding the macronutrient tracker to the app will only further help those who need direction in the area of diet.


Moderator Edit: updated subject for clarity & Labels

First Steps
PLEASE PLEASE show the carbs, fat and sugar in the food tracking dashboard. People are much more concerned with that rather then calories. Also a lot of people having a hard time reading the Gray print!!!! Chane to black please!!!!
First Steps

I agree! Would love to see Macros breakdown on the phone App!

First Steps

Also in the Food database would be great. I log most of my food via the mobile app and my endo asks me to stay within 2000 calories per day. However, being a typle 1 diabetic on on a pump it would be great to have a function that adds all the carbs of a certain meal when composed in the app and then have a button to send the carb total to my Medtronic pump. Currently the food database does not show carbs and I manually have to go somewhere else to get a carb count total for a meal. A real pain!

First Steps
I can't believe Fitbit has not incorporated this very important fact in the Dashboard.
Fingers crossed someone at Fitbit reads these suggestions. This is a big deal to me. Other then that this is a fabulous product!
Good luck to all!

🐾 🐾
Premium User
First Steps
For those of us not so concerned with calories, it would be wonderful to have a carb counter.
First Steps

I am on a low carb diet.  I agree....Fitbit needs to include ability to track net carbs and/or sugar alcohols.  

First Steps
Is there a possibilty Fitbit could implement a macronutrient tracker in the Fitbit android system and also update the food log/barcode scanner with the New Zealand brands and products?
First Steps

Could an update to the app include a pie graph for our daily macro nutrients (protein, carbs, fats) with the information uploaded from our food log? This could be super, super helpful!

Hill Runner

I love this idea

Not applicable
My mom is diabetic. She recently downloaded the fitbit app for her android but barely uses it. The reason is that her doctor is more worried about her carb intake. I think fitbit should add a carb tracker. Make it like the fluid tracker but use the quick calorie to enter the amount. My mom and many others could use that as a way to monitor their sugar intake since we are learning more and more that not all carbs are good for you.
Tempo Runner

I'd really like the P/F/C/ breakdown in grams and % in the app!


Hi there, has anybody found an app that does a good job of the macros?  I will switch to that if there is one... even if it means buying a new device... because this feature is so important.





Base Runner

I still miss this feature in the app (WP8.1) 😕

Base Runner

You can see the information if you look at your dashboard via the website.

If I'm not near my computer and I want the info, I open the browser on my phone

and check it out that way. I've got the page bookmarked.


Not convenient, but it works... 


I think they said they've put this idea into their development pipeline, so hopefully we get it into the app soon!




Excellent Idea, and clearly expressed. Thanks Aurrore!

Not applicable

The charts and daily detail are premium, but just a widget with where you stand AT Present, isn't there, and it should be.  I'm diabetic, and need to know my Carb and Fat status, as they say in restaurants Ala minut), and with the new Windows 10 App, it should be so easy.  And a reason for others to be premium members.  Which is a way better buy than MyFitnessPal, which I no longer use.  Fitbit food database is more to my liking

First Steps
Needed for sure as well as an adaptable chart for recording some many proteins, veggies, fruits, starches, fats, dairy/legumes. It's great to count calories but it's more vital to know what you are eating and how much.
Most of us, users of Fitbit, use our fitbit (I use my flex and I love it) with out fitbit app on our respective phones or computers. We use it not only to see our progress in steps, distance, and calories during the day, but we also use it to log our water and calories intake.
I, as a Vegan, have to be very careful with my Protein intake, therefore I have the idea in which we could count, if we want, how many grams of protein we intake.
The idea could go further, we could by loging in our calorie intake, at the same time count our protein, and if something is in the food list with tue calories it could be there as well with the protein it contains! But that second request would be too much to ask, just with an option to count my protein in my fitbit app would be great!
Thank you for listening!
First Steps
I recently switched from MyFitnessPal to Fitbit and one thing I noticed is that the app doesn't offer a way to see a count of your daily nutritional intake. The chart on MyFitnessPal would show you, similar to a nutritional info chart on a food item, the total for everything you've eaten that day: grams of sugar, iron, carbs, etc! It is so much more convenient than clicking on each individual items nutritional info and trying to calculate the total! I would love to see it added as a feature on the Fitbit app!!
First Steps
I'd like to be able to track my fat/ carb intake in addition to my calories. I don't want to have to use another app for that. I want it all in once place!!
Recovery Runner

We need a dashboard tile showing the history of protein consumption.  It would help us maintain a healthy diet despite inevitable day to day variations.  Indeed, protein is important to everyone who limits their food intake, not just to vegetarians.  Too little protein limits strength, which makes burning calories more difficult and fitness less than optimum.  A protein tile would put the current daily  total of protein into perspective, and should be easy to provide.

First Steps

YES!!! Just got my fitbit and I love everything about it. Until now I've been using Fitday to keep my foodlog.I'm so impressed with the fitbit food search engine and how quick and easy it is to use, but I really miss the piechart that Fitday offered, which showed at a glance the percentage of macro nutrients consumed in a day. Please bring this feature to the Fitbit log. It would be such a help. Woman Happy

Recovery Runner

I totally agree, since the Custom Trackers option is going to be removed.

I concentrate on carbs/net carbs rather than calorie intake.  Right now I can do it manually through custom tracker.

@dancing4life wrote:
For those of us not so concerned with calories, it would be wonderful to have a carb counter.


First Steps

I would love to see a field added for Net Carbs.  It's a simple calculation:  Net Carb Grams=Total Carb grams - Fiber Grams - Sugar Alcohol grams.

Adding this would make this app ideal for the growing number of folks on low-carb/ketogenic eating plans.

Recovery Runner
This is definitely needed on the app. It would be great if our daily and weekly macronutrients totals could be viewed on the Fitbit app. The only way to see our macronutrients is to view the dashboard online. I'm tracking my calorie intake however I also need to ensure that i meet my total protein allowance. Expand on the total "cals in" to also show total carbs, protein, fat for the day. Then expand out to provide summary of our totals for each day, week and mth.
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