Traditional Chinese

I think there are more Hong Kong users than Mainland Chinese users now.
People in Hong Kong DO NOT use simplified Chinese in daily communication
Please make it support Traditional Chinese


Moderator edit: Added labels

Distance Walker

Traditional Chinese supported is just a basic feature for all of smart watches. Fitbit cannot even claim that Blaze is a 'smart' watch.


First Steps

Dear sir or madam,

Greetings from Hong Kong SAR!

As you can see "  'simplified' Chinese" , this is not the original font for Chinese but "Traditional Chinese" do. 

Here is the question. I knew that fitbit buying pebble last year, they do support traditional Chinese but when will fitbit do?

This is my first and maybe last comment in community as I or we've waiting for it so long.

The above are only come from personal opinion.

Frank Chan

First Steps

Please make traditional chinese supported!!!!

I feel strongly disappointed when i found fitbit blaze cannot support traditional chinese.

I think i would buy any fitbit product inthe future if fitbit still cannot support traditional chinese!!!!!!

First Steps

Traditional Chinese is needed in the notification of the tracker!!

First Steps

I support to have Traditional Chinese for noticification for blaze.

First Steps
Never get any response from fitbit, totally disappointed for this company.
First Steps

Will throw away this bull **ahem** stuff. Never response Customer need. 

First Steps

as I said in another post, the "notification" should be readable and support multiple languages else they shouldn't claim they support notification. If they roll out products without multiple languages support they shouldn't claim the devices support notification. It's being an useless function to me even I really want to use it.

First Steps

When will fitbit support traditional chinese, the market is not only PRC, how about HK & Taiwan, they are your market?????

Recovery Runner

it has been 1 year ago, howcome there is still no update for traditional Chinese (Big5) notification display support? even in version 17.8.401.3 ??? I am really disappointed about this supporting being ignored!!
PS. i have already voted all posts about Traditional Chinese notification support!

Recovery Runner

I don't understand why traditional chinese support is still not available, that makes text notification useless and comparing to other brands, they can easily do it years ago. Please take prompt action 


Please kindly make Traditional Chinese SUPPORTED ..... Please

First Steps

Traditional Chinese for WhatsApp plsssssss~~~~

Keeping Pace

Traditional Chinese on Blaze unit(tracker), please~

First Steps

Same Here~! Please add Traditional Chinese in Charge 2. Hong Kong people seldom use simplified Chinese in daily life. All messages from my friends cannot display in Charge 2. I feel disappointed to see all the characters become □. The chat notification becomes useless.


Please support UTF-8.

Keeping Pace

It looks even website is not supporting Treditional Chinese. So, .... we may looking for the other brand product which is supporting Trenditional Chinese.


First Steps

Please support triditional Chinese,that can make me to recommend to my friend who can't read english!

Keeping Pace

I can not understand why you can support Simplfied chinese but Traditional Chinese. Is it the limit of Blaze hardware?

If not, what the timline is to support this function?

We need Traditional Chinese Language Interface and notification function.....



First Steps

Traditional Chinese

First Steps

Can't believe it is taking Fitbit so long and still not able to figure out a way to support display of Traditional Chinese. I am glad that I haven't made my purchase and saw this. 

Well, it's really a bit sad no response nor action made so far. Long before Fitbit launched its HKECC roadshow, it emphasised on its entering HK market and with a premium over other model, an ability to smart watch function on reading message over the Blaze. All stores I visit did tell me that its weakness on messages.

I was feeling odd when nearly a hundred of my colleagues, run-mates and friends switch to other brand in this recent year. Nearly a hundred, just people around me, a working guy, shows how big the market is. I hope it will support traditional Chinese sometime very soon, before it becomes too late.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Support for Chinese text please. Need to read messages. This request for so long already. Is Fitbit even listening? Please. Pretty please. 

First Steps

I bought my gf Fitbit Blaze as her birthday gift last year. Up til now traditional chinese is not supported. Everytime when there is a call or message from friends there will be lots of squares and we don't even know who is it from! This is sooooooooo annoying!

First Steps

I was referred by this thread:


What's the point of making a request for Traditional Chinese Language Interface and notification function if Fitbit is ignoring us? 

First Steps

I have 2 Fitbit and I plan to buy another device for my family. But Fitbit Blaze which I am using can't read Chinese characters and I just see the "monster" code. It will stop me from consider buying extra Fitbit as elder person is not good a English. They need to read Traditional Chinese.


Who from Fitbit can tell me if you have plan to cover Chinese? If yes, when? 

First Steps

I think they even didn’t think about support another language at all?
Next time I may consider another device.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

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