Traditional Chinese

I think there are more Hong Kong users than Mainland Chinese users now.
People in Hong Kong DO NOT use simplified Chinese in daily communication
Please make it support Traditional Chinese


Moderator edit: Added labels

First Steps
Well, if u r willing to invest few more dollars i’d suggest u to consider Garmin instead. I’m switching too.

Victor Lau
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks for sharing your idea on how we could be even better! We'd like to know what other users think! 

First Steps

I still don't understand why Traditional Chinese is not supported and believe we could never get any positive answer. Fitbit should state the product only support certain languages in their advertisements.


Traditional Chinese needed!

First Steps

We need traditional chinese. Most of the user in Hong Kong are using traditional chinese.

Please provide traditional chinese for us!


Traditional Chinese pls


no more 口口口口口


make a right choice. Respect ur customers.


Well, I think Fitbit has no intention to post a schedule for traditional Chinese display. This thread has been here for 18+ months, first post almost the exact moment its ‘smart’ watches was launched (they have already acquired Pebble months ago, who is good at OS, but nothing happened).


Fitbit doesn’t care to promote cooperation with other sports apps too.


They asked us to vote for traditional Chinese here (note that there are also votes to multiple posts asking for the same fix), yet nothing happened. Obviously, this forum is set up just to let go our disappointment and angry, a PR thing.


Among my friends, colleagues, run mates who are using smart sports watch, I am now the only one still stick to Fitbit (they, 100+, have all adopted Garmin, WOW, how embrassing I have placed my trust in Fitbit).


In fact, a bit disappointed, too. I brought two Fitbit Blaze last summer and was planning to get 2 more for my parents,  who don’t read English, before I realised the support of ‘Chinese’ display was in fact only for simplified Chinese.


Now, they launched Ionic, again with no support of traditional Chinese, I don’t think they will fix the issue soon. If you are serious about a smart sport watch,  like me, seems it is time we choose again.



What's the matter?

Don't give up the traditional Chinese market Pls.


I need traditional Chinese to show on message.  Taiwan use traditional Chinese only.  Please help to solve this problem ASAP.


Local Hong Konger use traditional Chinese only, too.

Distance Walker

Even a stupid phone made before 2k year supports displaying Traditional Chinese characters.

I won’t buy any Fitbit product again.

That’s the most disappointing item I ever  brought.



Still  waiting  Traditional Chinese Display supported 

First Steps

Having Chinese capability on your FitBi Blaze is not a yes or no question, but must be a how soon question. If not, Fitbit will have a very limited client base and will eventually be superseded. So please get on to it asap. I will need BOTH simplified and traditional Chinese message relay from my phone for my work. Or it will just be given to my kids as a toy watch soon. Ta

First Steps

I can’t believe this discussion has been going on for so long?!  Without support for traditional Chinese, this Fitbit blaze is useless for people from Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Taiwan etc. 

I bought this instead of an Apple iwatch,  and now I get notifications full of squares!  It is completely useless to me!

if all I wanted was a heart beat tracker and a clock, there were plenty of far cheaper options!!!

please get this fixed ASAP!

First Steps



Response for so long, or no official positive response, they do not understand my needs?


Fitbit Ionic  可正常顯示繁體中文
That's why fitbit don't update blaze.
I won't buy it.


I need traditional Chinese on Blaze, I don’t care about Ionic.  I rather buy Apple Watch than Ionic.  Fitbit Customer Service, if you don’t improve it on Blaze, you will definitely losing customers!! I’m done with Fitbit....


We still need the Traditional Chinese


You should have it on blaze!

When I look at my blaze everytime, whatsapp show me : 口口口口口口
do u know what's it feel?


Just found out fitbit Blaze could not display Traditional Chinese characters. Haven't seen a modern device couldn't displaying Chinese characters for past 10 years. What a surprise!?

Love this watch except all those square characters from my messages and WhatsApp. Can't believe it. 😞

First Steps

This is why a former leading company is losing his ground.


 And Now, It's already 4 pages with no reply.
No solutions, No new firmware.
Disappointed with this company.

First Steps

Pls have yr pebble team to work on the Transitional Chinese support for ALL Fitbit devices

First Steps

That's such a pity that my Blaze does not support traditional Chinese. Can the Fitbit Team understand that traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese are just DIFFERENT? We've been discussing this for one year and half, and still nothing happens. It's simply abnormal that Fitbit supports simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean, but not traditional Chinese. Please get this improved as soon as possible, we would be really grateful. Many thanks in advance for your attention.

First Steps

Still no traditional Chinese in 2018??? It's a shame....



Now , we have talked about this article about four pages with no reply. What a stupid company.


They still  know they are losing their customers.

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