Updating the food Database

In my opinion, the food database is absolutely pathetic! I hate having to log in a custom food every single time I eat something different than I can find. Is there a way for us as users, to update the database for everyone, rather than just for our own use? I feel like the database would expand so much faster if we could all share and then notify Fitbit for a fix if we find an error in someone elses' logged food. I end up having to refer to MyFitnessPal for the nutritional information if I don't have the box/packaging with me. Even on MFP you can decide if you want to log it for your own use or add to the public database. Which is why their database is so much better than FitBits! Very frustrating and it limits the usage greatly. My goal is to get exercise and track my intake/burn. NOT sit on the computer spending 20 minutes logging what I ate for the day and finding all the packaging to add custom foods when necessary.


Moderator Edit: Updated label

Status changed to: Released
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

We've greatly expanded our food database to include many new items. If something appears to be missing, post your suggestions here

First Steps

Your database is very disorganized and not correct on many food items. Why do you have so many differing options for the same foid? Also do not like the Common option...its confusing and weird. 

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