Weekly Report: Add Cals In Vs. Cals Out

I just noticed that Fitbit has changed the style of the emails for Weekly Progress Reports, and this change has removed some of the information I find most useful. This information being the "Calores In vs Calories Out" tile.

As such, is there anywhere in the new format that allows me to access the information that used to be shown under "Calories in VS Calories out" in the old format?

If not, please incorpoate this tile again - it is the most useful one!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity

Recovery Runner
Keep sending your comments momza
They will not take any notice unless we keep on their backs. I am very disappointed in the programmers at Fitbit. If they want people to buy their products, they need to give them something worthwhile.
Tempo Runner

Please bring the calorie in versus out feature back in the weekly updates. It is the only thing that interests me.



First Steps

The weekly dashboard does not include the calories consumed vs the calories burned. This was the main feature I followed and used. I don't understand why it was removed. Thank you for listening. Please return this feature to the weekly reports. 


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity

First Steps

Totally agree. Please bring back the calories in vs out in the weekly email report. It's the one thing I look for. Extremely disappointed it's been removed. 

First Steps

I agree. Like many others the weekly calories in vs calories out was the most important and useful part of the report. 

Why take out the most useful tool? 

I just got another fitbit and having to add daily number by hands is inconvenient. 

Please Fitbit get your people to bring it back for all of us customer that paid for. 




Base Runner

I also would love for y'all to bring back the calories in vs. calories out feature! I relied on that weekly, and it was actually the only part of the progress report I really cared about. Super bummed that it's gone.


I'm glad the info is accessible through the dashboard, but having to remember to look on Sunday nights is much more difficult than just receiving it in the email. Please bring it back!! That was what set FitBit apart from other step counters for me. I've considered getting a Garmin but have opted to order a new FitBit (the Surge) simply because of that email feature/calorie tracking. It's extraordinarily helpful for me to see how I'm doing on a weekly basis since some days, I'm over calories and some days, I'm under. The weekly report allowed me to see how it all stacked up and equalled out for the week.

First Steps


Please bring back the calories in vs. calories out feature in the weekly progress report.  It is literally the ONLY reason I wear a fitbit.  Since the Charge HR is pretty uncomfortable anyways, I will move to a different product until this is returned.  It's just not worth it to wear something so ugly and bulky with no benifit of tracking my weekly calories.  Sure, I could add them up each day and write it down and total myself each week, but what a pain when fitbit used to offer the information.  


I will no longer recommend the fitbit product, which I was a vocal supporter of in the past.


Off to seek a new brand of fitness tracker 😕 

Recovery Runner

I totally agree, this really need to be incorporated again. There's no other way of seeing your total 'calories in vs out' for the week unless you check on a computer (not an iphone) at 12.59pm on a Sunday night, and there's no way at all to see this information for weeks gone by. This was the only tile I found useful from the weekly progress email, I'm baffled as to why it was removed. Please put this information back in the progress report email, thank you.

Recovery Runner

I've stopped tracking my calories since last week because the calories in vs calories out is missing from the report. I waited each week for the email so I could see that information. The other stuff didn't interest me as much. Now that it's gone I haven't bother with inputting what I've eaten.  

Base Runner
I still put in what I eat and check the calories eaten vs burned daily. The
weekly summary was really nice. I keep all the weekly reports in a
separate mail folder. I certainly need the calorie information a lot more
than I need the number of flights of stairs I climbed. I hope whoever is
running this show reads all these comments and takes heed. Good health is
based on exercise and DIET folks! Are you paying attention - those in

Please bring back the calories in vs out feature.  This function put fitbit above all other fitness trackers for those who purchase a tracker to lose weight, without this feature it is just another activity tracker.  


To take away a feature from your customers that is so helpful is a poor move.  To expect your customers to remember to check the dashboard right before midnight on Sunday night doesn't add value to your product, nor does expecting them to upgrade to a premium app in order to export and manipulate their own data.  

Recovery Runner

I noticed that since one of the recent cosmetic changes I no longer see calories in vs calories out on both the "dashboard" and "weekly report".  Can you please bring this back? Thank you.

First Steps

The "Calories In Vs Out" made the Weekly Progress Report a Complete Report.  In Health Calories are just as Important as Exercise.  Please add the "Calories In Vs Out" BACK to the Report.  Thank You!

Recovery Runner

Duh, this is a business.  The reason they removed this information is so that more people will subscribe to the premium service where it is available.  It's all about the money short-term, no long term customer satisfaction being considered.  So while I'd like to see the feature come back, it won't happen.

Base Runner
If that is true I'll never recommend this device to another person.
Me neither. And I wrote a glowing recommendation on Amazon for my Fitbit One, which I do prefer to a wristband since it is hidden and clipped on to my bra. Very easy to write another review to Amazon though. Bring back the Calorie In/Out on the weekly report please.
Base Runner
I, too, have a Fitbit One. Having it has inspired me to exercise more, and
track calorie intake/burn. I can do it daily if this company is that
greedy for $$$, but they have sure lowered themselves in my eyes.

Notice that no one from the company has offered any comment?


I will no longer recommend a fitbit to anyone as the most useful feature has been removed.

I must say I am somewhat glad other people agree that removing this was a bad idea (it means I am not crazy).

Also I read somewhere to use the dashboard to get this information - but the information for previosu weeks is not available so an accurate track of weekly deficit or surplus depending upon your goals is not possible.

Starting to think I am going to have to build an excel spreadsheet and manually input my food intake plus calories burned to source this information which defeats the point surely.

So frustrating!

Base Runner
What you could do possibly is add uo the info for the week: in and out.
Copy & paste weekly report to a document and just add the in/out info to
the bottom.

I save the weekly reports to a folder so I can refer back if necessary.

I won't pay $99 a year for on piece of info.
Please bring back the Calories In/Out on the weekly Fitbit Report. It was very useful to those of us who enter and track our calorie intake to maintain our weight.   There-  this is my 4th post on the subject. Hope it does some good. 
First Steps

PLEASE!! The weekly calorie in vs out was my measurement for seeing how well I was doing! Seeing the cumulative total for the week is extremely helpful. Please add it back to the weekly progress report again!! Thank you!!

Recovery Runner

Please bring it back!!

Not applicable
I quit fitbit since they quit the average user wishing to loose weight. Too
bad... just at New Year's Resolution time. You're not the only option.

Thanks for nothing 😞
First Steps

The updated weekly report dashboard that I receive via email once a week no longer includes the difference between calories in vs calories out. As I am on a weight loss plan it was important for me to see the total calories consumed vs burned for the week to ensure I am reaching my calorie deficit goal. Please add the cal. In VS out back to the weekly report. I am including pictures for your reference. Thank you for your consideration  💪🏽🏃🏽IMG_1611.PNG






Recovery Runner

Why is nobody from Fitbit responding to this? I'm waiting to see their response before I return the new Charge HR I got for Christmas. If they start charging to TELL us our calorie deficit each week, it's definitely going back. Fitbit is a TRACKER. We shouldn't have to pay for this information to be tracked.


Fitbit, please respond and don't keep ignoring this issue. Your silence strongly suggests that the speculation regarding the feature only being available in the premium app is accurate.

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