What to eat feature

Maybe in addition to the food log, it could tell you what you are missing in your diet? I struggle to eat the right things because I don’t know what to eat to balance my diet


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Recovery Runner

Maybe some pie chart showing average daily of advised for 100%. I look up the average for a day using Google, seems everything depends on height / weight etc. but it's not as if the data isn't there.


When I add a new food I see there are lots more additional nutrition info but it's never shown. Is this all data to be in the future / being worked upon ? I need to track e.g. Magnesium. This subject definitely need to be extended !


I've been looking at apps that can share info with Fitbit but they either lack in info or cost. Duplicating data wastes too much time.

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Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion @Sierrab2348 !

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