01-28-2020 09:48
01-28-2020 09:48
I've been using the User-activity API to query progress towards my goals: https://dev.fitbit.com/build/reference/device-api/user-activity/#interface-activityhistoryrecord
The Activity interface has properties that provide today's data for each of the five goals:
- activeMinutes
- calories
- distance
- elevationGain
- steps
I want to query the same data for previous days, but the ActivityHistoryRecord interface only provides these equivalents:
- calories
- distance
- elevationGain (actually called floors, the documentation seems to be wrong)
- steps
So activeMinutes is missing. I was just wondering if there's a reason it isn't available? Or, is there another way to query it via the Fitbit API?
Many thanks,
01-28-2020 11:22
01-28-2020 11:22
I think activeMinutes is excluded because its historical behaviour can be complicated. For example, at 10:03 AM, my activeMinutes figure for 10 AM might be 30. However, if I'd been active since 9:55 AM and continue to be active until 10:05 AM, and then queried the activeMinutes figure for 10 AM again, it should now say 35 minutes (I think!). So, a historical figure can change depending on when you query for it. This can be counter-intuitive.
It's a shame that the figure can't be obtained from the device API for times when it would be stable (eg, 10+ minutes ago, I think).
I think you can get it for previous days via the Web API, but that's harder.
02-02-2020 14:03
02-02-2020 14:03
Thanks. Yes it's a shame I can't query active minutes for previous days. It displays the figure in the app when you scroll back through previous days, and that's all I'm looking for really. Hopefully this will get added to the API in future.
05-11-2020 21:51
05-11-2020 21:51
I'm having the same issue. A metric that appears in the app for a given day should be possible to get via the API as part of the summary data for that day. We need Active Minutes.
03-02-2021 19:21
03-02-2021 19:21
So is the new Active Zone Minutes. I think Fitbit should provide its day history at least.