02-02-2019 09:09
02-02-2019 09:09
Is it possible to change the href of a <use> element during runtime? I'd like to change the href to reference a different symbol.
<defs> <symbol id="heart1"> <image href="heart1.png"/> </symbol> <symbol id="heart2"> <image href="heart2.png"/> </symbol> </defs> <use id="heartrate" href="#heart1" />
var hr = document.getElementById('heartrate'); hr.href="#heart2";
Based on my tests, this doesn't appear to be possible, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't approaching it incorrectly.
03-16-2019 20:08
03-16-2019 20:08
I'm facing the same problem while trying to create a clock face with custom numbers in pure SVG instead of using PNGs. I already have the SVG code for all the numbers and put them into 10 symbols. But just like OP I'm unable to change the href of my <use> elements in JS. I've tried:
myUse.href = "mySymbol"; myUse.setAttribute("href", "mySymbol"); myUse.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", "mySymbol");
None of this works. Are we missing something or is it simply not possible atm? Thanks!
08-16-2019 19:40
08-16-2019 19:40
Hi. I am also facing the same issue. I have tried the following:
let item1 = document.getElementById("item1"); item1.style['xlink:href']="#anything"; item1['xlink:href']="#anything"; item1.xlink="#anything"; item1.href="#anything"; item1.style.href="#anything"; item1.style.xlink.href="#anything";
Any ideas? Thanks.