03-02-2023 04:15
03-02-2023 04:15
Hey guys, trying to make a custom watch face for my boyfriend's Versa 2. I know a bit of coding (and don't want to pay $40 for FitFace) so I am using FitBit Studio. Has anyone used this before? I just have two finishing touches I am having trouble with:
I want to make the colon between the hour and minute blink.
Is there a way to add custom fonts (Google fonts or other sites)? I've heard both yes and no online...
I'd additionally love to utilize the always awake feature, and add another face that turns on when he presses the button or screen but I doubt I'll be able to do all that (for free anyway).
Please let me know if you've worked with this site before!
03-02-2023 06:25
03-02-2023 06:25
Hi @xuserif - Fitbit Studio is great but it is being discontinued this month see Important: Streamlining Fitbit’s Developer Tools
You can easily make the colon blink by using colon.style.opacity = 1 and colon.style.opacity = 0 every other second.
The fonts issue is covered in this forum, just do a search.
Author | ch, passion for improvement.
03-02-2023 07:53
03-02-2023 07:53
This should work for blinking colon:
let separator = document.getElementById("separator");
clock.ontick = evt => {
let d = evt.date;
function setSeparator(val) {
separator.style.display = (val % 2 === 0 ? "inline" : "none");
(taken from this example)
Can't add custom fonts directly, but you can use FitFont to generate images from fonts (or make your own images for the required characters).
03-02-2023 11:19
03-02-2023 11:19
For another way to blink the colon, see BIG TIME here.
By 'add another face', if you mean starting another app, that's possible. If you mean using Always-On Display mode, that's not commonly available at the moment.