05-13-2020 01:45
05-13-2020 01:45
Hi all, how long does it takes a clockface to be approved? I have faces created from 16.03.2020. Thank you
05-31-2020 20:19
05-31-2020 20:19
If you hop in the unofficial discord (https://discord.gg/FECM44D), this question is asked quite frequently. Everytime I always answer that the Fitbit team are shortstaffed, due to this quarantine, and probably will take longer than usual to review apps and clock faces. There are a couple of people waiting since the start of March. Just give it a couple more weeks if you have been waiting since middle of March. I'm sure they are trying to keep up with all the submissions, now that people have few things to do.
06-01-2020 03:52
06-01-2020 03:52