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Fitbit Sim Settings Window Position

I got weary of moving the Fitbit sim settings window to where I want it whenever it reopens, so I wrote a simple AutoHotKey script to do it automatically:

Loop {
  WinWait, Companion Settings
  WinMove, , , 3435, -47
  WinWaitClose, Companion Settings

3435,-47 are pixel x,y co-ordinates on your desktop.

You'll probably want to stop the script when you've finished your debugging session. (I wrote a script to do that too.)

Obviously you can move the sim device window as well, but this only needs to be done once because it doesn't reopen whenever you restart your app.

This will only work in MS Windows.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
Best Answer

What a brilliant solution, thanks @Gondwana , will try it.

Author | ch, passion for improvement.

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