03-27-2019 17:15
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03-27-2019 17:15
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I want to get all children elements of a particular element in .gui file and modify their attributes
Basically, I have
<g id="parent-0"> <text id="parent-0-text-0"/> <text id="parent-0-text-1"/> <text id="parent-0-text-2"/> </g>
<g id="parent-100">
<text id="parent-100-text-0"/>
<text id="parent-100-text-1"/>
<text id="parent-100-text-2"/>
Now I want to get "parent-0" and for each text in it, I want to set text value.
I want to avoid directly getting document.getElementById("parent-0-text-1") as there Are hundreds of such parents and Each clock tick; I want to modify only one of the parents
Can I do something like
document.getElementById("parent-99).childNodes[0].text = "foo-1" document.getElementById("parent-99).childNodes[1].text = "foo-2" document.getElementById("parent-99).childNodes[2].text = "foo-3"

03-28-2019 12:03
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03-28-2019 12:03
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You can use getElementsByClassName, or getElementsByTagName.
<g id="parent-0"> <text class="someText" /> <text class="someText" /> <text class="someText" /> </g>
let parent0 = document.getElementById("parent-0");
let childTexts = parent0.getElementsByClassName("someText");
childTexts[0].text = "something";
// etc
<g id="parent-0">
<text />
<text />
<text />
</g> let parent0 = document.getElementById("parent-0"); let childTexts = parent0.getElementsByTagName("text"); childTexts[0].text = "something"; // etc
03-29-2019 01:15
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03-29-2019 01:15
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That kind of worsen the problem.
Now my clock takes even longer to render.
May be I need to find some other solution

03-29-2019 05:27
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03-29-2019 05:27
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Can you describe what you're trying to achieve and show some more code?

03-31-2019 23:18
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03-31-2019 23:18
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Got it working.
Your solution greatly helped.
I selected elements by Tag, but needed to make many changes to my code to make rendering faster.
Thanks Jon !

05-27-2019 09:06
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05-27-2019 09:06
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would be very useful and more performant than searching for all elements by className. Please add this to the SDK.

07-19-2019 15:24
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07-19-2019 15:24
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We have firstChild/nextSibling, so you could achieve the same thing without using classes/IDs:
let elem = parent.firstChild; while (elem) { // do something with elem elem = elem.nextSibling; }
Could possibly write a children polyfill to get the same ergonomics you suggest too.