04-27-2021 05:52
04-27-2021 05:52
Hello! I am working on expanding on a project I had previously built for a hospital to study the heart rate history of patients in studies.
In the expansion of this project, I want to build an app that will run on the Versa as a simple meditation app and record the patients hear rate throughout the time period of the mediation and then make an HTTP Post request to publish the information to an internal dashboard for the hospital to review.
From reviewing the documentation it does not appear this is possible? Is there a workaround or will this approach not work? The primary reason for wanting to do this is that patients forget to sync their Fitbit devices with the app and data is never published to their internal dashboard.
04-27-2021 13:47
04-27-2021 13:47
You're going to end up with A LOT of data. Do some caculations to work out how much. It probably won't be feasible to hold a week's worth of HR on the device, nor to transfer it in one go.
It could be done (with difficulty) using much shorter intervals, but if regular syncing isn't possible, neither would that be.