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How to detect laps and stroke type when swimming

Hi, everyone,


I was wondering if there any chance to have access to the algorithm or some sort API to detect when the lap count increase or the stroke type changes.


I realized some weeks ago that the fitbit app/dashboard doesnt show the details on swim activity such as time per lap or stroke type per lap. I've tried with the web api without succes as well. 😞


I would like to make and APP to resolve this gap or help to improve the existing Fitbit exercise APP.


Thanks in advance

Juan Manuel


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It's not something which is currently possible, but it sounds like a neat idea. Submit a feature suggestion here

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Is there a way to modify the existing "swim" exercise to keep the data that it already collected. For instance, when you use the swim app every "lap" (whatever distance you set it to) is recorded on the watch (IONIC) - but once you "end" the exercise it disappears and is not sent to the Fitbit app. Then when you look at there all that is available is "Calories/Lap" - who cares frankly; swimmers like to track their Time/Lap. 

If not, do you know if it is possible to make a second version of the swim app and modify it so that the data is captured and pushed to the Fitbit app?


Thanks - 

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