02-12-2018 04:35
02-12-2018 04:35
Using the authorization code grant flow
I'm creating an app that I want to import and use the activity data for Pitbitt
It was easy to get to the access token
However, when I try to get a summary of daily activities, I get the following error
http retcode = 403
msg = Forbidden
{"errors": [{"errorType": "insufficient_scope", "message": "This application does not have permission to access activity data.) Visit https://dev.fitbit.com/docs/oauth2 for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process. "}]," Success ": false}
Tell me what's wrong and what's the solution
Thank you
02-12-2018 06:18
02-12-2018 06:18
You need to use the correct Scope - https://dev.fitbit.com/build/reference/web-api/oauth2/#scope