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Modifying/uploading latest watchface version

I have made about 5 attempts to upload modified versions of a watchface, but the link in fitbit app manager doesn't give me an "update" when I follow the link.  New versions show in the app manager, but I cannot get to them.

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I think that the link gives access to the most recently approved version that's compatible with your device (unless there are NO such approved versions). So, if you've got an approved version, you can no longer use links to test newer unapproved versions in this project.

You can get around this by creating a new project just for testing. You might need to give it a different UUID.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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Haven't used fitbit (versa lite) in a while, saw the message in fitbit studio to "update", and I think I may have edited the .Json and then clicked the Update button.

May be best to make a whole new version.

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How do I give it a different UUID?  Will it create its own new package.json?

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In Studio, I'm not sure. Before hacking, take a copy of your project so you can recover from problems.

You could try renaming package.json to package.txt. That should allow you to delete the UUID line. (You may also need to delete a comma somewhere so the syntax of the file remains valid.) Then, rename the file back to package.json. Now, when you rebuild, Studio might automatically give you a new UUID.

I haven't tested this.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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Yes, in Studio renaming the package,json to something else and doing a new build will create a new package.json with a new UUID.

Author | ch, passion for improvement.

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