08-08-2019 22:38
08-08-2019 22:38
I am developing an app that will put various messages on the Ionic watchface, based on my current latitude & longitude. The logic is along the lines of "If I am in area between Lat1 and Lat2 and Long1 and Long2 then do something."
The code looks like this:As you can see, it generates a few errors. If I try and use Boolean logic to reduce the nested IF statements, I get the following:
- it doesn't seem to loke the Boolean operator &&. Am I doing something incorrectly?
08-08-2019 23:02
08-08-2019 23:02
I don't think you can't put procedural code in SVG (or at least in Fitbit's implementation of it). You probably want to do this in javascript.