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Setting the to and from parameters of an animate element via JavaScript

Let's say I want to be able to programmatically animate the fill color of an image using any of the following transitions:

  • Red → Green
  • Red → Blue
  • Green → Red
  • Green → Blue
  • Blue → Red
  • Blue → Green

Setting up any one of those transitions is straightforward:


<symbol id="image-symbol"> <image href="images/image.png" /> <animate id="animate" begin="enable" attributeName="fill" from="#ff0000" to="#00ff00" dur="0.25" /> </symbol>
<use id="image" href="#image-symbol" />


However, in order to accommodate all of those transitions, I would ideally be able to set the from and to attributes dynamically in JavaScript. I was hoping to be able to do that in the following way:


let image = document.getElementById("image");
let animate = image.getElementById("animate");
animate.from = "#ff0000"; = "#0000ff";

However, this doesn't work. Is there any way to access these from and to attributes?


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You can't in the current version of the firmware, but I've requested this already and it should be available in a future update.

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Is it possible now as almost 2 years have passed?

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@_prasad1120 wrote:


Is it possible now as almost 2 years have passed?

Yes, it's possible. Get the element by ID, set the value.  `animElement.from=20`

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