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Some bugs in documentation and SDK

I'm playing with the documentation and typing it with TypeScript.

Well, I found a couple of issues:

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Thanks for this, and your excellent work on the types repo.


I have recreated the issue with `activated`, and it appears to affect all sensors. I've logged this with the firmware team.


I have fixed the `ring` haptic documentation, but the deployment is stuck amongst some other changes.


I've noted your other feedback and will take a look at those next week.


Thank you!


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@JonFitbit I have to add a new issue, regarding the TextInput setting component and its onChange event. Reproduced with latest SDK & Emulator.

Instead of the value (you can think of a string), as the documentation says, the callback argument is a weird {"name": <value>} object.

          onChange={value => {

 You can see this issue:


It would be really nice to have some kind of repository under the Fitbit GitHub organization where we can:

* Open issues

* Follow issues

* See the Fitbit OS / SDK etc. milestones

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Thanks for the feedback @Sergius, public bug tracker and roadmap is on my list too. I've raised this particular issue about the <TextInput> before, but I would assume that the value format will remain the same for now.

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To we have any news on this? We have had major releases of the SDK and still happens

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