05-14-2019 17:56 - edited 05-14-2019 18:04
05-14-2019 17:56 - edited 05-14-2019 18:04
Is there any way to stop an exercise after a certain amount of steps? I'm trying to make a timed challenge where the user needs to make X amount of steps within an hour. I've tried several things but everything results in my Fitbit or app crashing.
The gist of my what I'm trying to do is here:
btn3.onactivate = function(evt){
exercise.start("Basic exercise");
function challenge(){
//Track steps until goal is reached, or until an hour has passed.
Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: I have tried a while loop which crashed the app and a recursive function which crashed the Fitbit all together.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
05-15-2019 01:27
05-15-2019 01:27
You'll need to get the start time, and current number of steps when the exercise starts, then periodically check the difference between the time, and the step count.
Something like this:
import { today } from "user-activity";
let startTime;
let startSteps;
let timerId;
btn3.onactivate = (evt) => { startTime = new Date(); startSteps = today.adjusted.steps;
timerId = setInterval(checkStatus, 60 * 1000); // start exercise }
function checkStatus() {
// check now vs. startTime - is it within an hour
// check startSteps vs. today.adjusted.steps
// if meets criteria, clearInterval(timerId) and stop exercise
05-15-2019 01:27
05-15-2019 01:27
You'll need to get the start time, and current number of steps when the exercise starts, then periodically check the difference between the time, and the step count.
Something like this:
import { today } from "user-activity";
let startTime;
let startSteps;
let timerId;
btn3.onactivate = (evt) => { startTime = new Date(); startSteps = today.adjusted.steps;
timerId = setInterval(checkStatus, 60 * 1000); // start exercise }
function checkStatus() {
// check now vs. startTime - is it within an hour
// check startSteps vs. today.adjusted.steps
// if meets criteria, clearInterval(timerId) and stop exercise
05-16-2019 10:43 - edited 05-16-2019 10:47
05-16-2019 10:43 - edited 05-16-2019 10:47
Would you be able to provide API links for the setInterval and Date methods? I'm new to JavaScript and cling to the API for assistance.
Edit/Note: I'm asking because I can't seem to find them on my phone and I won't have access to my desktop for a few days and I'd rather learn it inside out before sitting down to code again.
05-16-2019 10:48
05-16-2019 10:48
The device supports EcmaScript 5.1, so those are just standard features of JavaScript.