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Stuck on "No login information, starting login..." After Using "npx fitbit"

I've just begun trying to use the fitbit CLI to develop watch faces, and I'm dutifully following the directions laid out in the getting started guide. I've installed nvm and node.js, installed make, g++, python3-pip, and all the other necessary things I've needed to install. When I get to the step that says to use the "npx fitbit" command, doing so simply returns "No login information, starting login..." followed by a newline. I see that a process is running in the background, as the $ prompt has not returned, but there's no Login failed message or any field with which to enter my login details. It's just stuck like this. Any idea what I can do to fix it?

Running on a windows 11 system with the recommended Node.js version 14 and the terminal I'm using is WSL ubuntu.

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CLI isn't supported on WSL, so that may not work.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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