08-30-2019 16:09
08-30-2019 16:09
Hi guys,
I want to upgrade one of my Clockfaces to include a battery level percentage. However , I am finding that it freezes up the clock of the existing App when I upgrade with the new feature.
Any recommendations on how I can add features without causing upgrade issues?
08-30-2019 16:24
08-30-2019 16:24
If your clockface is relying on any stored data (including settings) that weren't present in the earlier version, you need to ensure that it correctly handles the absence of that data.
08-30-2019 16:28
08-30-2019 16:28
Hi Catplace,
Yes that sounds correct. A fresh install works fine, only the upgrade seems to have trouble because the settings did not exist previously.
I’ll have to have a think of how to do a check for missing settings on load of the new App.