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Weird stack overflow in async functions

I'm getting some unexpected behavior when using async functions.

async function testAsync(i){
  console.log("async " + i);
  if (i < 4)
    await testAsync(i);

results in 

[4:55:56 AM]async 1
[4:55:56 AM]async 2
[4:55:56 AM]async 3
[4:55:56 AM]Terminating app: Memory fault (stack overflow?)


I would expect a lot more than three calls before reaching a stack overflow. This is indeed the case when using a synchronous function:

function testSync(i){
  console.log("sync " + i);
  if (i < 25)

This gets all the way to 22 before termination.


The thing I find really surprising though is that you can actually go much higher than that, by using an asynchronous function with a sleep function:

async function testAsyncWithSleep(i){
  console.log("async/sleep " + i);
  await SleepAsync(1); // fixes the issue???
  if (i < 400)
    await testAsyncWithSleep(i);

async function SleepAsync(milliseconds) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, milliseconds);

 This gets up all the way to 126 before being terminated, but it's also with a different error message:


[5:07:49 AM]async/sleep 126
[5:07:53 AM]Fatal Jerryscript Error: ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY


So what gives? Why is the stack limit only three when there's no sleep during it?

P.S. I'd find it really useful if the stack overflow message could be less vague, as it's really difficult to debug with basically zero information on what's wrong.

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I had the error Terminating app: Memory fault (stack overflow?) too with RxJs on the watch side. I had to add your sleep function to force the execution to be async and the problem was resolved for now.


// INFO: delay the subscription to the observables.
setTimeout(() => {
    // INFO: Merge changes
            map(x => stateService.update(state => { return { ...state, ...x } })),
            async next(x) {
                await forceSwitchContext(); // <--------- the fix


                // vibration.start('ring');
            error: x => console.error(x)
}, 1);
render: (state) => {
            if (!state) {
                throw new Error('The argument state was undefined');

            if (!isInitialized) {
                throw new Error('The UI service was not initialized.');

            const { items: localItems } = state;

            // INFO: Update the local items.

            // INFO: Trigger the update the virtual list.
            list.length = items.length; // <------ CRASH HERE without the fix


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I ran into this today and it's absolutely maddening because the error message is vague and unhelpful. After spending an entire day essentially trying random things until something worked I finally made some sense of what is going on. It appears there is a limit to how many nested async functions you can call, and it seems to be small, like 3-4 levels deep.

I wrote this test code:


messaging.peerSocket.addEventListener("message", (e) => {

async function async1(): Promise<void> {
    await async2();

async function async2(): Promise<void> {
    await async3(); //This breaks
    await bottom();

async function async3(): Promise<void> {
    await async4();

async function async4(): Promise<void> {
    await bottom();

async function bottom(): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => resolve());


and it will consistently crash when calling `async3`. After some messing about and re-reading this thread I decided to try throwing in a method using `setTimeout` and that fixes the issue:


async function async2(): Promise<void> {
    await unBorkStack();
    await async3();
    await bottom();

async function unBorkStack(): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve, 0));


I'm pretty sure the reason this works is because the method passed to `setTimeout` will eventually be put in the event queue and will have a new stack. You can read more about it here. I can't tell if this is a limitation of the watch firmware/software or a bug but either some better documentation mentioning this or a useful error messaging would be nice so people don't waste entire days figuring this out for themselves.

TD;DR: If you get the "Memory fault (stack overflow?)" error and you have a few nested async methods throw in the function above ever few levels of nested functions to break up the stack

P.S. I wouldn't put the function everywhere as it's janky and may cause more issues

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Hi @ayqueue - using setTimeout can be sufficient to wait a variable time. Eg.

Set delay = 2000;

setTimeout(function(){x="finished"; }, delay);


Author | ch, passion for improvement.

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I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm talking about issues with await/async, specifically the fact that more than a few nested async methods throws an unhelpful error. My use of setTimeout is purely a hack to get around the problem, I'm not trying to set some kind of delay and if I were I would use a promise.

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