05-11-2019 22:32
05-11-2019 22:32
Hello everyone,
I am trying to create a combo button trigger. So when the bottom right side is touched or the bottom right button is pressed. a want pop-up question to appear. this is the code I have so far and is not working. Any help would be greatley appreciated. Thnx
import document from "document"; let myPopup = document.getElementById("my-popup"); // Show the popup myPopup.style.display = "inline"; let btnBR = document.getElementById("btn-br"); btnBR.onactivate = function(evt) { console.log("Touched/Pressed Bottom Right"); myPopup.style.display = "none"; }
<svg id="my-popup" display="none"> <!-- Black background --> <rect class="full-size" fill="fb-black" /> <!-- Title and text --> <use href="#mixed-text-center-mid" class="dialog-mixed-text" fill="fb-white"> <set href="#top-padding" attributeName="display" to="none" /> <set href="#header/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="TEST" /> <set href="#header/text" attributeName="fill" to="fb-magenta"/> <set href="#copy/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="This is a test?" /> <set href="#bottom-padding" attributeName="display" to="none" /> </use> <!-- BOTTOM RIGHT --> <use id="btn-br" href="#combo-button-lower-right" fill="fb-red"> <set href="combo-button-icon" attributeName="href" to="btn_combo_flag_p.png"/> <set href="combo-button-icon-press" attributeName="href" to="btn_combo_flag_p.png"/> <set href="combo-button-stroke" attributeName="display" to="inline"/> </use> </svg>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
<link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets_common.gui" />
<link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/combo_button_widget.gui" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/dynamic_textarea.css" />
<link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/dynamic_textarea.gui" />
<link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/square_button_widget.gui" />
<link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/mixed_text_widget.gui" />
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
05-16-2019 10:54
05-16-2019 10:54
You want to show the popup onactivate, but you're currently hiding it.
myPopup.style.display = "inline";
05-16-2019 10:54
05-16-2019 10:54
You want to show the popup onactivate, but you're currently hiding it.
myPopup.style.display = "inline";
05-16-2019 14:24
05-16-2019 14:24
woops, thnx 🙂