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getting error Unhandled exception: TypeError: Expected a constructor

I have created one app for Fitbit ionic and Versa app in version 3.1and it was working properly. That app is already live. and now suddenly that stopped working and when I am checking in the studio it is giving this error "error Unhandled exception: TypeError: Expected a constructor".

Why my live app is not working with new SDK?


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Can't really tell from that snippet. Do you have any other variables named Accelerometer in your code? Can you paste the contents of the file here?

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Accelerometer isn't working on the simulator, I tried a blank project with just these 3 lines:

import { Accelerometer } from "accelerometer";

const acc = new Accelerometer({ frequency: 1 });


and still getting the same error...
I noticed that the 'Accelerometer' imported is undefined when running in the simulator, on the contrary on the watch everything works.

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The simulator doesn't have an accelerometer, nor does it try to simulate an accelerometer.


You can forge some accelerometer data using the heart-rate and/or battery sliders.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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That's what I thought but this old fitbit-os-simulator changelog page says otherwise... 
Anyway thank you. I'll stop trying

Best Answer

Good point! It could be argued that the API is present but the relevant object can't be instantiated. 🙂


An analogy: Versa Lite has the Barometer API — but no barometer so you can't instantiate it.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
Best Answer

here is the full file code... @JonFitbit 

import clock from "clock";
import document from "document";
import * as util from "../common/utils";
// import { me } from "appbit";

//turn off display autooff
import { display } from "display";
display.autoOff = false;
display.on = true;

/* socket connection code: start */
//files for socket call
import { BartUI } from "./ui.js";
import * as messaging from "messaging";

//code for socket call
let ui = new BartUI();

//code for socket call
const errormessagebox= document.getElementById("errormessagebox");

messaging.peerSocket.onopen = function() {
// console.log("watch: socket open"); = "hidden";

messaging.peerSocket.onclose = function() {
// console.log("watch: socket close"); = "visible";

// // Listen for the onerror event
messaging.peerSocket.onerror = function(err) {
// Handle any errors
// console.log("watch: socket error"); = "visible";

// // Listen for the onmessage event
messaging.peerSocket.onmessage = function(msg) {
console.log("watch: socket message received: "+JSON.stringify(;
errormessagebox.text = "Authentication Required"; = "visible";
}else if( == "COMPLETED_FITBIT_AUTH"){
errormessagebox.text = ""; = "hidden";
}else if ( == "MISSING_LINKING"){
errormessagebox.text = "Better Alerts Not Linked"; = "visible";
}else if ( == "COMPLETED_LINKING"){
errormessagebox.text = ""; = "hidden";
}else if( == "EMERGENCY_CONTACTED"){
/* show some text on watch screen if bottom button pressed */
let clockface = document.getElementById("clockface");
let emergencyface = document.getElementById("emergencyface");
// console.log("==== here before timeout ====");
// console.log("==== here inside timeout ===="); = ( == "hidden") ? "visible" : "hidden"; = ( == "hidden") ? "visible" : "hidden";
}, 4000);
// console.log("==== here after timeout ===="); = ( == "hidden") ? "visible" : "hidden"; = ( == "hidden") ? "visible" : "hidden";
// console.log("watch: socket message received");

if (messaging.peerSocket.readyState === messaging.peerSocket.CLOSED) {
// messagebox.text = `Fitbit App Not Connected`;
console.log("Fitbit App is not connected");

/* socket connection code: end */

/* Accelerometer code: start */
import { Accelerometer } from "accelerometer";

// Create a new accelerometer, sampling at 1hz (once per second)
var accel = new Accelerometer({ frequency: 1 });
let accel_ratio = 30;
let accel_ratio_minus = -30;

/* check for body presence */

import { BodyPresenceSensor } from "body-presence";

let body = new BodyPresenceSensor();
body.onreading = () => {
if (!body.present) {
// console.log("not present");
//Stop monitoring the sensor
} else {
// console.log("present");
//Begin monitoring the sensor

accel.onreading = function() {
// console.log("reading accelerometer");
// Peek the current sensor values
// console.log("ts: "+ accel.timestamp + " x: "+ accel.x + " y: "+ accel.y + " z: "+ accel.z);
if((accel.x > accel_ratio || accel.x < accel_ratio_minus) || (accel.y > accel_ratio || accel.y < accel_ratio_minus) || (accel.z > accel_ratio || accel.z < accel_ratio_minus)) {
// console.log("fallback detected");
// Stop monitoring the sensor

/* accel code: end */


import { vibration } from "haptics";
/* Physical button press code: start */
document.onkeypress = function(e) {

console.log("Key pressed: " + e.key);
if(e.key == "up" || e.key == "down"){
//display message on bottom button press
if(e.key == "down") {
// /* show some text on watch screen if bottom button pressed */
// let clockface = document.getElementById("clockface");
// let emergencyface = document.getElementById("emergencyface");
// console.log("==== here before timeout ====");
// setTimeout(function(){
// console.log("==== here inside timeout ====");
// = ( == "hidden") ? "visible" : "hidden";
// = ( == "hidden") ? "visible" : "hidden";
// vibration.stop("nudge-max");
// }, 4000);
// vibration.start("nudge-max");
// console.log("==== here after timeout ====");
// = ( == "hidden") ? "visible" : "hidden";
// = ( == "hidden") ? "visible" : "hidden";

/* clock code: start */
// Get a handle on the <text> element
let myLabel = document.getElementById("myLabel");

// Update the clock every minute
clock.granularity = "minutes";

// Update the clock every tick event
clock.ontick = () => updateClock();

// Update the <text> element with the current time
function updateClock() {
// console.log("here in clock update");
let today = new Date();
let hours = today.getHours();
let mins = util.zeroPad(today.getMinutes());
let ampm = 'am';
if(hours > 12){
hours = hours - 12;
ampm = 'pm';

myLabel.text = `${hours}:${mins}`;
/* clock code: end */
//show date
var month = new Array("JAN","FEB","MAR","APR","MAY","JUN","JUL","AUG","SEPT","OCT","NOV","DEC");
var dayArr = new Array("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat");

let today = new Date();
const myMonth = document.getElementById("myMonth");

const myDay = document.getElementById("myDay");
let monthnum = today.getMonth();
let daynum = today.getDate();
let day = today.getDay();
let year = today.getFullYear();

let monthname = month[monthnum];
let dayname = dayArr[day];

myMonth.text = `${dayname} ${monthname} ${daynum}, ${year}`;

// document.getElementById("emergencyface").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("emergencyface").style.visibility = "hidden";

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