08-25-2020 12:44 - edited 08-25-2020 12:46
08-25-2020 12:44 - edited 08-25-2020 12:46
Hey everbody out there 👋
We have developed native apps for Android and iOS that implement the Fitbit SDK to read the users activity/training and body weight data. This was 2 years ago and so far everything was working perfectly.
Since a few weeks we are having trouble in our Android app with the OAuth flow. Here is an example flow:
This is the normal and expected case. So far we were able to repeat this as often as we wanted (or the user wanted). When connected to Fitbit our app shows a "Disconnect Fitbit" button the undo the binding and remove all Fitbit related data from our app. When disconnecting and repeating the connection flow like described above we get an error from the Fitbit API with the following reason:
"message":"Authorization code invalid: dedcacdd0db45cbfab8a00d124059de84d4ed2eb Visit https://dev.fitbit.com/docs/oauth2 for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process."
Okay! So we've got a problem here. The docs are - unfortunately - not very helpful ad led to no solution. So we played around and tried different ways and to kind-of-debug the problem. And after some (not very scientific) research we've found a solution to the problem:
Now we are having success *yay*!!! So this seems to be a workaround for our users. And it also seems like we are not doing anything wrong there. We have not changed this flow during the last 12 month and it just stopped working a few month ago.
Let's have a look into the blackbox and behind the scenes:
randomVerifier: xbdWGHY_sUUka111yAvVu3ObIMrZ8pXOOb5hNoTL1o2Ec4r1LHRqC0RAiS_0GhNh2p9XfvAtryyD-Z-pLG0nog
derivedVerifier: 6Z-sktf2D01IWu_2VTIvSe1RQCVV2CV_Wtu7qGzB4SM
scope=weight activity&
We are not having any idea what might be wrong here. It works on the first connect and always after logging out and in again. It also works again after waiting an undefined amount of time. Sometimes it just works again after 24 hours and sometimes it takes up to 3 days. Also this error is only facing the Android platform. iOS is still working like always before...
Is anyone out there facing the same issue? Does anyone knows a solution or has a hint on what we have to do?
08-27-2020 13:19
08-27-2020 13:19
This forum is for Fitbit OS developers. You might try posting this to the Web API Forum: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Web-API-Development/bd-p/dev
One thing that I notice is that it appears like you're missing the code verifier from the token request, which would be required for the full PKCE implementation. I don't use PKCE, so I'm not that familiar with Fitbit's implementation and what happens if you start with PKCE but complete without it.
08-27-2020 22:33
08-27-2020 22:33
Oh you are absolutely right, thank you very much! I have reposted this in the web dev forum.