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minutes handle show fine in the simulator but once downloaded to the watch it stops showing

minutes handle show fine in the simulator but once downloaded to the watch it stops showing.

on the index.js i modify the angle to move it but that is everything i do.

that is the only element that dissapears.


	<image href="timewarp.png" />
	<arc id="outer_circle" x="34" y="-15" width="280" height="280" fill="black" arc-width="31" start-angle="0" sweep-angle="0" />
	<arc id="inner_circle" x="64" y="15" width="220" height="220" fill="black" arc-width="31" start-angle="0" sweep-angle="0" />
	<arc  x="33" y="-16" width="282" height="282" fill="white" arc-width="2" start-angle="0" sweep-angle="360" />
	<g id="minhandle" transform="translate(50%,50%)">
	  <gradientRect x="$-7" y="-140" width="7" height="65"
		gradient-x1="3" gradient-y1="20"
		gradient-x2="4" gradient-y2="35"
		gradient-color2="black" />

	<circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="80" fill="black" />
	<text id="hours" class="clock"/>
	<text id="date" />
	<image id="stats" href="icons\\clock.png" />
	<g transform="rotate(270)">
		<text id="stats_numbers" />
	<rect id="click" x="1" y="1" width="100%" height="100%" fill="white" pointer-events="visible"/>
	 <use href="#kpay" />



Just as a clarification the last rect is not showing as it has opacity 0

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Sounds strange. Typically the types of issues relating to the simulator and device are: missing permissions, image file sizes being too large, and improper use of sensors.


Do you see anything odd in the console logs? Have you tried logging the output from the tick event to make sure it's actually firing and that the value you are setting is correct?

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Hi, thank you for the answer.

 I can't see any suspicious log. Also, I checked the tick for the minutes and does work. I agree it's strange. 

Could it be that a gradient rectangle can not be rotated? I got it working with a normal rectangle...🤔 shame as I wanted the gradients it looks much better.

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What does the dollar sign in the gradient tag do?

<gradientRect x="$-7"
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hello, I am having the same problem but with icons for the stats. it shows on the simulator but when I download it onto my versa 2 the icons don't show.

here is the code:

<image x="-15" y="208" width="64" height="64" href="white footsteps.png" />
<image x="-28" y="228" width="90" height="90" href="heartratecon.png" />
<image x="234" y="222" width="100" height="100" href="calories.png" />

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Are the image files exactly those sizes (in pixels)? The sim can resize but the watch can struggle.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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no I changed the size, I just need the footsteps icon, heart rate icon, and calories icon. I couldn't find the images the exact size

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