03-28-2023 14:39
03-28-2023 14:39
Im wonder that google could not compete well enough with fitbit so it brought it out and took away features to promote its own branding
03-28-2023 14:46
03-28-2023 14:46
Next up grade from the sense 2 will be an apple watch i think google will end up losing alot of os customers in the long run given the new fitbits loss of features that are available on the google brand pixel with that said the pixel is no good for iphone and is android only
03-28-2023 14:56
03-28-2023 14:56
You would expect these features in the price
03-28-2023 15:04
03-28-2023 15:04
I was very excited when I brought it $450 now not so much im abit disappointed and wish i looked more into a apple watch i now know disregard google if you have an iphone
03-28-2023 15:14
03-28-2023 15:14
As i brought that watch last night before been aware im still testing out the sleep stress and fitness which now i hoping are a high standard to refect the price
03-28-2023 15:16
03-28-2023 15:16
Not sure how it can accurately detect sleep stages from the wrist either
03-28-2023 15:31
03-28-2023 15:31
I dont think any damage on fitbit for losing features is looked on by the fitbit branding it seems clear that the upset comes along with the google brand now attached which will upset people not fitbit but at google unless something is done with music eg enable with an update maybe and some kind of extra add on from fit ( GOOGLE ) or something able to be scauced from a thrid party you think a GOOGLE BRAND would provide that
03-28-2023 15:33
03-28-2023 15:33
With that said if music and third party wasn't scrapped by google great watch
03-28-2023 15:40
03-28-2023 15:40
Given google has sort changed fitbit customers now i know i wont be a returning customer now reading on google what google is doing to all fit customers that is extremely bad customer care and very bad look soley on google unless you just want the apps stated no more nothing missing on the fit bit list and nothing can be added to watch then i would really rethink unless google comes up with an firmware update solution to music and or more options to add an app
03-28-2023 15:49
03-28-2023 15:49
Its never wise to knee cap your own brands even if fitbit is brought out by google not a good look as a customer
03-28-2023 15:58
03-28-2023 15:58
Im not not sure why google would start sabotaging the market when it could have two very good markets google fitbit and google own non brought out that wouldnt upset any customers in terms of smart watches its been noticed and not in a good light as far as im concerned yes google has done damage afar bit to it self but ATM is save able if customers push for certain updates to fix the loss of features or google it self works on a solution for loss of features in terms of new updates for current watches or that customer base is gone
03-28-2023 16:01
03-28-2023 16:01
As far as google maps an update is still coming for iphone hopefully due soon so that is coming
03-28-2023 16:03
03-28-2023 16:03
And stat’s sound like some bugs which hopefully new updates fix over time
03-28-2023 19:15
03-28-2023 19:15
Hi @Daisyandtheclyd - Fitbit is removing on watch music from all watches in a few days so nothing is going to come with updates.
They have already removed all non Fitbit apps from the Sense 2 platform too and this watch doesn't even have basic music controls and won't, given the new direction, though other non Google makes do have full music support.
if you are unhappy with the watch Fitbit have a 45 day refund policy or possibly authorised dealers too, some stores provide 14 to 30 day refunds.
Author | ch, passion for improvement.
03-28-2023 22:16
03-28-2023 22:16
Why would google bring out new watches just to take platforms of straight away it does seem funny what is the reason for removing the music and non fit bit apps off when its still new in the market that is a honest question tbh its making me wonder how long my new fit bit will be good for and is it worth getting annual subscription thats my main issue is there anything else getting removed of foitbit sense 2 or at least snything new otjer than maps going on
03-28-2023 22:18
03-28-2023 22:18
It feels like a new watch new on market and wondering if those fitbit ranges ate becoming obsolete already
03-28-2023 22:21
03-28-2023 22:21
Is there going to be any new fit bit apps
03-28-2023 22:22
03-28-2023 22:22
Or is support going to wind down for fitbit
03-28-2023 22:23
03-28-2023 22:23
There honest questions the above raise’s
03-28-2023 22:31
03-28-2023 22:31
I checked returns policy it does state unopen or reasonable but used the conversation wouldnt let me post it but i do have concerns considering features are been taken already how long will my watch be good and supported for