10-11-2022 19:40
10-11-2022 19:40
When prompted to log a mood when the cEDA notices a response, I often hesitate, unable to choose one that is quite right, finding the choices far too limiting.
if we could add a few words with these logs or have a much wider range of emotions to log from i think it could make it much better? i wonder if i'm the only one who thinks this?
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10-12-2022 01:39 - edited 10-12-2022 11:34
10-12-2022 01:39 - edited 10-12-2022 11:34
@pabsurdy I've been using this feature for a while and found it very basic, rather useless and annoying.
It's not only the limited number of moods but there is lack of custom text field that would allow user to describe the context. If I pick "frustrated" it is often important with what and there is no way to add this information. The notifications come with 10min delay and despite it doesn't sound like long time I find hard to place myself 10 minutes ago especially that my notifications don't tie to anything significant. Simply, nothing comes to my head what 10 minutes ago could cause body response. Then, the body responses have no scale. I can't tell looking back at the log how much I was stressed. It's just binary data. Either response or not. Not enough. The moods can be logged but cannot be searched. If I collect weeks of data and I want to find when I was "frustrated" there is no way to do it. And if I could maybe I would find out that I'm "frustrated" on Wednesdays? That would be probably useful information. So basically, I can't tell what causes stress, go back in time to find out what and how much it impacts me. The notifications come at random. I see no connection to any events in my daily life. There are moments of real stress when I would expect to see notification and nothing arrives. Then, when I'm about to go to sleep it shows me notification. So I pick "calm" and the app asks me to reflect why I wm "calm" and maybe I should take a walk 🤣 as if being "calm" is something bad. Ridiculous. Yet another feature half-baked so Fitbit has something to sell but usability of it is pretty much zero. It was supposed to be advanced stress management tool and it's just simple and limited mood log. If only they copied tagging feature from EliteHRV (predefined and custom tags for moods and other events, text field for custom notes and search engine) that would probably make this feature much better. Having cEDA sensor doesn't do anything if the software using it is that primitive.
10-12-2022 00:10
10-12-2022 00:15
10-12-2022 00:15
I agree. There should be something for anxiety. I get anxious and stressed or worried doesn't seem right.
10-12-2022 01:39 - edited 10-12-2022 11:34
10-12-2022 01:39 - edited 10-12-2022 11:34
@pabsurdy I've been using this feature for a while and found it very basic, rather useless and annoying.
It's not only the limited number of moods but there is lack of custom text field that would allow user to describe the context. If I pick "frustrated" it is often important with what and there is no way to add this information. The notifications come with 10min delay and despite it doesn't sound like long time I find hard to place myself 10 minutes ago especially that my notifications don't tie to anything significant. Simply, nothing comes to my head what 10 minutes ago could cause body response. Then, the body responses have no scale. I can't tell looking back at the log how much I was stressed. It's just binary data. Either response or not. Not enough. The moods can be logged but cannot be searched. If I collect weeks of data and I want to find when I was "frustrated" there is no way to do it. And if I could maybe I would find out that I'm "frustrated" on Wednesdays? That would be probably useful information. So basically, I can't tell what causes stress, go back in time to find out what and how much it impacts me. The notifications come at random. I see no connection to any events in my daily life. There are moments of real stress when I would expect to see notification and nothing arrives. Then, when I'm about to go to sleep it shows me notification. So I pick "calm" and the app asks me to reflect why I wm "calm" and maybe I should take a walk 🤣 as if being "calm" is something bad. Ridiculous. Yet another feature half-baked so Fitbit has something to sell but usability of it is pretty much zero. It was supposed to be advanced stress management tool and it's just simple and limited mood log. If only they copied tagging feature from EliteHRV (predefined and custom tags for moods and other events, text field for custom notes and search engine) that would probably make this feature much better. Having cEDA sensor doesn't do anything if the software using it is that primitive.
10-12-2022 09:21
10-12-2022 09:21
Yes you put all the issues i have with it into words! , like just being able to have more moods to choose from, being able to journal a few words about the events and being able to search and look back... to compare and quantify how often each of these emotions are logged, having a wider range of descriptors and personalized suggestion based on these different emotions:
Thrilled, Spooked, Scared, terrified ( all have a level of fear but some good some bad)
Thrilled, Excited, Giddy, Happy, Content ( a scale of how happy! and yes these can overlap)
Content, Relaxed, serene, calm, Neutral, grounded.
Neutral, Bored, Introspective, passive.
Sad, Devastated, Depressed, Empty, Dread, grief,
Overwhelmed, Panic, Anxious, Stressed, embarrassment, shame, Worried, Frustrated angry, upset, outraged,
Ill, Sick, Tired, Hungry, Hot or Cold (due to weather), exhausted, overworked. (or ability to mark something not mood related as the causes, exercise, weather, temperature, Hunger etc.)
Im sure there's a lot more that I'm forgetting and I'm not saying we need all of these, but the more range to choose from the better we could reflect on the situations. and the current 8 options are lacking.
12-12-2022 14:52
12-12-2022 14:52
I totally agree!! Also, I never get notified until too much time has passed - I don’t really remember what the situation was. I keep entering ‘calm’ because there isn’t a better option, and also because I don’t know what I was doing an hour and ten minutes ago, 😂😂
12-17-2022 08:39
12-17-2022 08:39
Could not have stated it any better, i was thrilled to read about the feature and decided to buy the sense 2, but i have to admit the feature is rather laughable. Its quite 'fun' but absolutely not to be taken too serious. Just like the sleep animals, cute thing to make you laugh but don't expect rocket science. The stress mood logger is hilarious here too, also asking me for a body trigger while im taking a walk 'you seem stressed let's go for a walk' 🤣 like what do you think im doing silly watch. I returned my withings scanwatch which was all over the place with their readings expecting the sense 2 to be better since i had a versa 1 for years which worked perfectly fine. Luckily i don't take the readings too seriously and listen to my own body more than the watch but for people with high expectations be aware that its a feature in its basic state and with basic i mean BASIC!
12-17-2022 11:59
12-17-2022 11:59
Unlike many I see posting, my body responses are caused by physical stress, not my mood. It would be nice to record what I was doing instead of feeling.
03-31-2023 17:27
03-31-2023 17:27
I have also been struggling because often my mood is "flat," "neutral," "apathetic," or even "tired," and I want to be able to log my moods accurately, but I don't know which of the default moods are closest. I think giving more options would be helpful.