11-12-2022 14:46
11-12-2022 14:46
I am not receiving text messages from my Andriod. What steps do I need to take. I am receiving Gmail notifications, but not my Hotmail account either. Please help, I use it for work so I do to have to carry my phone around. Thanks!
11-12-2022 16:43
11-12-2022 16:43
Try to check which app from your phone is allowed to send notifications to your watch.
You have this option in the Fitbit app, select the Fitbit sense 2, then go for "notifications" then select "app notifications".
11-12-2022 17:09
11-12-2022 17:09
Have u tried going into the notifications from the app and set it up? I find that if I don't get the notification, I do the test call button to see if it works. Just click on Ur profile pic, then click on the watch. There look under notifications and check the settings. If you've already done that and it still doesn't work, it's got me stumped