11-09-2022 19:43
11-09-2022 19:43
11-09-2022 20:57
11-09-2022 20:57
"As it's the newest Fitbit smartwatch it has added more features but they are mot even working."
Sorry to disappoint you but that is far from true. Both the Sense 1 and Versa 3 have many more features and they are working. You bought into Google's Marketing BS and if you have time to return it and get one of the feature rich older Fitbits, DO IT. The Operating System (OS) between Sense 1 & Versa 3 has changed and by my experience and many others including YouTube reviewers the Sense 2 and Versa 4 are not worth it even with the huge discount that they offer now, because they are downgrades.
11-13-2022 08:27
11-13-2022 08:27
I returned it yesterday and got the versa 2. I just finished setting it up and honestly it has more options and Spotify is supported on this smartwatch. The sales person told me when I was purchasing the sense 2 that i will be able to receive calls and eventually the new feature was the outgoing calls. However i had enabled all notifications and most of the time i wasn't receiving any of them. When i was in store yesterday the sales person told me that the issues i was experiencing are technical and should have contacted Fitbit support directly. I didnt purchase sth to be with tech support from my first week.