01-09-2023 08:43
01-09-2023 08:43
We need additional mood selections for the most accurate response on the stress management feature for the Sense 2. I'm not always feeling (stressed, worried, frustrated, sad, calm, content, happy, or excited)
I would like more options to be added, for example:
Angry, Anxious, Tired, Lonely, Horny, etc.
Best case scenario, we can write in our own emotions.
01-09-2023 12:25
04-19-2023 08:20
04-19-2023 08:20
I second this request
angry, tired, rushed, energized( for manic),
I like fitguy2117 suggestions
I got the sense two for helping me better train me and alert me when I’m getting worked up. Looked at the garmen , polar and Apple options , and this currently has that while the other don’t
04-19-2023 08:21
04-19-2023 08:21
Stress and anger cause high blood pressure . Some of us have had to tune out we are getting worked up due to the nature of what we have to do to work and survive.