03-21-2023 16:50
03-21-2023 16:50
Hey Fitbit Managers, are you really serious? How can a company that specialized on fitness trackers produce such junk. How can you use such fragile glas for a fitness tracker (SENSE) which is used for sport activities?!? Big display mobile phones can fall from greater heights without breaking and such a little display which falls just a couple of cm into a basin onto its flat side cracks?!? Either you guys are idiots or this is part of your business strategy!! You should be ashamed of yourselves for selling this junk for such a high price.
03-22-2023 22:43
03-22-2023 22:43
Too late for you islander2,
but I always purchase a tempered glass protector for all the Fitbit products I've owned (Blaze, Versa, Ionic and Sense) Same on all the mobile phones I've owned. Just not worth the risk. And yes, these screens are a bit to delicate.
03-22-2023 23:34
03-22-2023 23:34
We have such protection. It broke by slipping out of the hands while cleaning and fell only a couple cm. It is still inacceptable. These are Fitnesstrackers for sports activities. Shall I sell boxing gloves made out of glas?! lol. How can it be that large mobile phone displays are not as fragile?! So clearly a failure in production and this is not covered in the 24 month garantie eventhough it is their mistake...