02-10-2022 14:30
02-10-2022 14:30
I just upgraded from my Fitbit versa to Fitbit sense but I’m struggling with a couple of things. The sense I have no won’t measure my laps at the pool correctly. If I do the breaststroke it’s accurate and does the one lap as 50m (before it wouldn’t even measure that accurately!) but if I do any other style of swim it takes it as 50m but like 4 times! So if I swim 50m it’ll mark it as 200m! Great if you want a mood booster but not so good if you’re wanting to be accurate lol. So far I’ve just went in and changed my distance because everything that I’ve read about and tried is not working. I now have lost my hourly reminder to move as well even tho it’s showing as on…I’ve also done a soft reset. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
02-16-2022 11:17
02-16-2022 11:17
Hi, @Crystalb23, welcome to the community, I'm unsure of the precise steps you have taken so please excuse my starting at the beginning. The first point to draw to your attention is the contents of this post which provides a background to how your "Sense" records your swims. I suggest you review your settings in your "Sense" from the clock face>swipe left to and touch exercise>touch swim>you will see a little chevron at the bottom of the screen>swipe up and set the pool length to the correct length of your pool (you can also personalise the display with the central data being large) Once it is as you desire return to the clock face & sync your phone app.
I'm a daily swimmer (freestyle) and though I sometimes see a lap miscount of 1 lap I find the counts generally accurate.
To review the hourly reminders to move from the today screen in your phone app touch your icon in the top left corner>touch the "Sense" tile>swipe up to and touch reminders to move>ensure the slide on the top right is in the "on" position, adjust the settings as required> return to your home screen & sync.
I hope this is helpful, if you are still stuck please post here again.
Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.
03-31-2022 10:03
03-31-2022 10:03
Hi. This is not a reply, but a related question. I don't care for the lap counting feature in the watch, which anyways does a number of things while swimming, most notably change the watch face. My question is, is it possible to just lock the screen -make it non-responsive to touch- while swimming? All I care to see is the time and the heart rate. This, I realize, would imply an action prompted by pressing the side button, which from my reading of the instructions, is not possible. Or is it?
03-31-2022 10:26 - edited 03-31-2022 10:38
03-31-2022 10:26 - edited 03-31-2022 10:38
Edited after @Gr4ndp4 response below:
@Nayoh it isn't possible SYSTEM-WIDE so if you want to use any other type of activity (like ie. Workout to be able to record HR, Outdoor Workout when you swim outdoors and want to have GPS enabled) to track swimming. Swimming is the only exercise that has a touch/screen lock but doesn't support recording HR.
03-31-2022 10:27
03-31-2022 10:27
Hi, @Nayoh , welcome to the community, when you start your swim exercise>swim> start arrow the water lock engages and disables screen touch until you "End" your swim. You cant display HR when swimming (it's disabled- see my earlier link) but you can display elapsed time exercise>swim> (there is a little white chevron at the bottom of the screen - swipe up)to show stats and adjust the display as desired. Once you "start" your swim you can view the display by flicking your wrist.
I hope this helps.
Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.
01-06-2023 00:21
01-06-2023 00:21
This looks like it's a very common problem. I'm having it myself Fitbit product support don't help at all (you have to call through the Fitbit app and that cuts out, live chat is a boy, and the actual people just give you the same list of things that don't apply). Steer well clear.