Since the mandatory update due to a potential battery overheating issues, my step count has been off, mileage, and heart rates. All are significantly lower than prior to update. Normal step count is around 2500 for one mile and heart rate zones of 130 to 160 during walking at a pace of around 19 to 20 minutes per mile. Now I can walk over 2 miles and steps are 3300 when they used to be at least 5000. Stride was manually changed and i rven tried allowing to auto track stride. Neither made a difference. Heart rate is normally around 130 to 160 and now I can barely hit 120. These inaccuracies throw my stats off for cardio load and hitting goals. I have logged out, restarted phone and watch, un-installed and reinstalled app. Syncing doesn't help. Syncing when it works causing a huge decrease or increase in step counts and is not accurate. It also only changes step count and does not correct the heart rate issues. Trying to change exercise data doesn't save even though you save it reverts back to original record. the closest I can get to a normal step count is to delete my activity I tracked and manually enter it. Sometimes that works sometimes not. Should not have to keep trying to resolve thoese issues on my own. Should not have to take all these screen shot to prove what everyone else is already saying. It is obvious the latest update whichbwas forced has caused all these issues and significantly decreased the battery life to just over 1 day when prior i got about a week of battery. I could have just opted for the google and samsung of i wanted to do a daily charge. All of this worked fine prior to updating my watch. Since then stats are incorrect. I chose sense for features and battery life opposed to Google or samsung after doing a lot of research. i had better tracking with the $20 smart watch than i do with this one. I should have to get a new watch when this one worked just fine prior to forcing me to update even though I wasn't having an issue with my battery. And $50 compensating is not enough considering I will need to get a while new watch so in essence I haven't had this one quite a year yet and am out over $200 I could have spent on a different watch.
Hi @MrsHarris - if you are within warranty immediately request a replacement watch.
It is possible that a restart will partially resolve the battery problem, or even a factory reset, but a known faulty watch should not have to undergo a deterioration instead of being replaced.
As regards steps and other measurements this might be due to a recent problem at Google see Unreliable step counting bug which seems fixed now.
Author | ch, passion for improvement.
I could have sworn i already said that to include deleting and reinstalling the fitbit app. It did not work. I am unaware of a warranty or how to obtain the replacement.
Wednesday - last edited Wednesday
Wednesday - last edited Wednesday
@MrsHarris - please contact Support, Product help, Contact us (at the bottom), via the link below when viewing the post in the forum.
Author | ch, passion for improvement.