09-20-2022 02:15
09-20-2022 02:15
I was going to mentioned that several times but I am not a frequent swimmer so never did.
The problem is with pausing swim activity. It happened a few time that the activity has ended while paused because moist and water interacted with touch screen. When swimming is paused the water lock is disabled and it lets water to interact with screen. Pausing swimming may happen for any reason but even after leaving the pool watch won't be instantly dry.
Fitbit should rethink the way water lock is implemented and find a way of utilize it across whole platform (not only Swim). Here's an idea. Double press unlocks water lock only for a few seconds. For example, showing end/resume screen for 5 seconds. If nothing happens for 5 seconds water lock is enabled again and will require double press again giving another 5 seconds to interact with screen. Permanent unlock could be done either by adding additional icon or different pattern for button press (three presses or long press). There are ways of doing it right. At the moment, using Sense anywhere near the water is impossible (outside the Swim activity running).
09-21-2022 01:30
09-21-2022 03:19
09-21-2022 03:19
Hi, @t.parker, your thoughts will be most at home in Fitbit Community features suggestions. I have to say I've not had any trouble with pausing but I usually get out of the pool to pump bilges & then restart within a few minutes.
Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.
09-21-2022 03:53
09-21-2022 03:53
@Gr4ndp4 my last feature suggestion I posted ended up edited by moderator: Sense changed to Charge 4 and made about something totally different. Hence, I see no point of posting there again, sorry.