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Anyone else having serious sleeping issues with this Covid Crisis?

Ever since November of last year, I cam back to Regina Saskatchewan from Vancouver to take care of the remaining belongings of my late MOther and sale the house. For a while now, my sleep is horrible and I have a hard time falling asleep until around 3 and sometimes 4am. Is anyone else having issues and can someone recommend anything considering self isolation and not able to work out. Uhgg. Of all the times to be slamed but I know I am not the only one and there people worse than me. Just looking for a few suggestions. 🙂

Best Answer

Hi @Canadianpride


I would just say give it some time, and be gentle with yourself. The loss of a parent is significant, and you should give yourself ample time to grieve. You can try the numerous tips that can be found in the Deep Sleep thread at the top of this page too.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

Best Answer

I think, for lots of people things suddenly changed. For me, it's always Saturday. At least, it feels like that. Then, I wake up in the morning and it takes a while to snap back to reality and realize that it's time to "go" to work - to my makeshift "office" in the living room. This affects my sleep a lot, too. It's half past midnight when I write this post and yet, I don't even feel sleepy. I would say, it's just something to get used to and adjust because it may have to last for couple more weeks.

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