01-09-2020 15:43
01-09-2020 15:43
please i need reasonable tips and comments
01-10-2020 03:41
01-10-2020 03:41
Hi @Alikabir07
That's a good question, not an easy one to answer. What I recommend is starting to meditate daily. It helps the mind unwind, and also gives a space that one can investigate the cause of emotional disturbance, get to the root of them and heal them. That's what has worked for me.
You may also want to take a look at the Deep Sleep thread that is pinned near the top of this forum. It is full of tips on getting better sleep. During sleep, especially REM sleep, is when we process a lot of thoughts and emotions, so getting a good night's sleep is very important. Good luck.
01-10-2020 14:58
01-10-2020 14:58
@WavyDavey has some solid advice and the pinned topic at the top is a good place to check. Sleep certainly helps with helping to keep emotions in check and it becomes a catch 22 when you get behind on sleep but then can't sleep because your emotions/thoughts won't chill. Aside from meditation I find just getting outdoors and spending some quiet time in the sun does wonders for helping calm emotions. At least for me. Limited screen time before bed and cutting caffeine and sugar out of your diet a few hours before bed also help a lot. Good luck!